Aie Serve

Last modified: 
11/01/2019 - 3:58pm

Aie Serve is a youth-based organization that was founded on February 23rd, 2007 with the goal of spreading love, respect and acceptance via increasing awareness, education and voluntary service. 
The word “Aie” is a Japanese word pronounced as “I” and means “Love”, so the name of group is Love and Serve or I Serve...others. 
The idea came due to the aftermath of July War on Lebanon and the sharp polarization of the Lebanese youth. 
A group of friends gathered and started brainstorming ways of tackling this issue and agreed that the 3 basic values that are missing in Lebanon are Love, Acceptance and Respect. Loving others for who they are and not which political background or sect they are from, respecting others' point of views and beliefs no matter what and accepting differences and considering them the seeds of diversity. 
Afterwards, the group started gathering more ideas and people and tried to organize themselves little at a time while focusing on serving their surrounding and society at large. 
Aie Serve evolved from a group of friends, to a group of community service minded people, to a team and an organization. The organization got registered on March 12th 2009, in the Ministry of Interior as a non-profit/non-governmental organization under the Lebanese Law with registration number 341.

Organisation Type: 
Local Civil Society Organisation
Founding Year: 
Country of Origin: 
Intervention Sector(s): 
Advocacy & Awareness
Training & Capacity Building
Contact person's position: 
Contact person's email: 
Contact person's phone number: 
Zarif Street Toufic Tabbara Center, 4th floor, Mary Odi Street, Zarif, Beirut, Lebanon
Beirut , Beirut
Phone: +96170897236
Beirut LB
Zarif Street
Toufic Tabbara Center, 4th floor, Mary Odi Street, Zarif, Beirut, Lebanon
Contact person's name: 
Youssef Aziz
Volta ao Mundo ACK Lebanese Association for Self Advocacy (LASA) YSkills (UK) Oum El Nour



About the Project & Scope of Work:
Aie Serve developed a guide for youth-led NGOs to support them in becoming more streamlined with the SDGs and has a group of youth facilitators ready to support those organizations in the journey. Aie Serve is preparing to coach 5 youth led NGOs as a pilot project before rolling out the guide for general public use. The support/coaching process will note take more than 1 month and will be through online meetings and working sessions with our facilitators and team.

Friday, 25 February 2022

About the Project & Scope of Work:
Aie Serve is developing a guide for youth-led NGOs to support them in becoming more streamlined with the SDGs. For that, it is designing a short 4-hour online training for youth facilitators (aged 18 – 30) who have some prior training or facilitation experience to be trained on the guide and support Aie Serve in coaching 5 youth led NGOs as a pilot project before rolling out the guide for general public use.

Thursday, 10 February 2022


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Youth Training Bootcamp covering 6 topics, 12 trainers in 1 location. Topics covers: Leadership, Negotiation Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Creativity, People Management and Body Language. Each workshops is 1 full day, all taking place in parallel. Participants can register for 1 of the above mentioned topics, seats are limited. For Registration:

Sunday, 29 July 2018 - 8:30am to 5:00pm

For registration, please use the link below:

Sunday, 19 February 2017 - 2:00am

Press Releases

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