Consultant for Strategic Planning Development

Call for Consultant: Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for Strategic Planning Development

  1. Introduction:

Association Des Jeunes Islamiques (ADJI), established in 1981, is a local non-governmental humanitarian organization committed to inspiring and empowering individuals, especially those with disabilities, to achieve innovation and independence. ADJI's core mission is to bring about immediate and lasting positive change, fostering inclusivity and integration within communities. Through collaborations with national and international NGOs, ADJI provides essential health, protection, and rehabilitation services. The organization operates through diverse structures, including Rahma Hospital (RH), Rahma Primary Health Care Center (RPHCC), and Rahma for Special Needs (RSNs).

Strategic planning serves as the cornerstone of resources optimization and prioritization within ADJI. Given the limited resources—financial, human, and logistical—strategic planning assumes an indispensable role in ensuring the utmost efficiency and efficacy. A well-structured strategic plan ensures that these valuable resources are channeled strategically, amplifying the organization's impact while minimizing wastage. This disciplined approach guarantees that ADJI's endeavors remain closely aligned with its core mission.

  1. Objectives:

To facilitate and develop a comprehensive strategic plan aligned with the mission and values of ADJI, and to provide a clear roadmap for the organization's growth, impact, and sustainability over the next five years. The main objective of this exercise is to equip ADJI's stakeholders with the essential skills and knowledge to proficiently and actively engage in the development of ADJI’s strategic plan. By the end of the project, participants will not only possess a comprehensive understanding of strategic planning fundamentals but will also be adept at applying these principles in a manner that advances ADJI's mission. Specifically, participants will be equipped to:

  • Comprehend Strategic Planning Fundamentals: Grasp strategic planning basic concepts, recognizing its pivotal role in attaining organizational objectives.
  • Conduct Situational Analysis: Develop proficiency in conducting comprehensive situational analysis, identifying internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats (SWOT).
  • Formulate SMART Goals and Objectives: Acquire the skill to formulate SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals and cascade them into objectives that are aligned with ADJI's mission and values.
  • Create Effective Plans: Develop action plans that leverage available resources efficiently and effectively.
  • Allocate Resources Strategically: Construct a robust framework for the strategic allocation of resources across financial, human, and logistical dimensions.
  • Implement Monitoring and Evaluation Systems: Gain expertise in implementing effective monitoring and evaluation systems to track strategic plan progress and gauge its impact.
  • Foster Stakeholder Engagement: Learn strategies for fostering collaboration and engagement among stakeholders, and enhancing strategic plan execution.
  • Communicate the Strategic Plan: Master the art of effectively communicating the strategic plan's vision, objectives, and strategies to both internal and external stakeholders.


  1. Rationale for Training:

This training initiative arises from a meticulous assessment of ADJI's internal operations and methodologies. Through extensive internal evaluations and managerial insights, areas of improvement have been identified. The dynamic nature of the humanitarian landscape demands that ADJI's strategic planning is not only robust but also adaptive to emerging challenges. This training is a response to these evolving dynamics, aiming to strengthen ADJI's capabilities to address these challenges strategically.

  1. Target Audience:

Relevant stakeholders including but not limited to management team and staff.


  1. Training Methodology:

The training methodology is designed to provide a comprehensive and participatory learning experience that equips ADJI's stakeholders with the needed skills and knowledge to actively contribute to the development, execution and monitoring of the strategic plan. The training approach encompasses the following key elements:

  • Interactive Workshops: Conduct a series of interactive workshops that engage participants in hands-on activities, discussions, and case studies.
  • Customized Content: Develop training content tailored to ADJI's specific context, mission, and goals. The content will cover foundational strategic planning principles, including situation analysis, goal setting, action planning, resource allocation, and performance evaluation, all adapted to the organization's humanitarian focus.
  • Expert Facilitators: Recruit facilitator with expertise in strategic planning within the nonprofit and humanitarian sectors. These experts will facilitate the training sessions, ensure clarity of materials, addressing participants inquiries, and provide practical insights.
  • Group Exercises: Incorporate group exercises that encourage collaboration and teamwork. Participants will work together to develop strategic objectives, and formulate action plans.
  • Practical Tools and Templates: Provide participants with the needed practical tools, templates, and resources and adapt them to the organizational needs.
  • Practical Application: Integrate and monitor real time application of the strategic and action plans and provide instant feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Post-Training Support: Offer post-training support through follow-up sessions or consultations.

By combining these elements, the training methodology aims to empower ADJI's team with the knowledge, competencies and tools required to actively develop and execute the strategic plan.

  1. Expected Deliverables/Outputs:

The trainer(s) will be required to submit the following list:

  • Comprehensive Strategic Plan Document: A well-structured and comprehensive strategic plan document that outlines ADJI's mission, vision, goals, objectives, strategies, and action plans for the upcoming 5 years.
  • Situational Analysis Report: A detailed situational analysis report that provides an assessment of ADJI's internal and external environments. This report should include an overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) that influence ADJI's strategic decisions.
  • SMART Goals and Objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Clearly defined SMART goals and objectives along with the needed indicators.
  • Action Plans and Implementation Strategies: Action plans that outline the steps, timelines, responsible parties, and resources required to achieve each strategic objective.
  • Resource Allocation Framework: A resource allocation framework that provides a clear overview of how financial, human, and logistical resources will be allocated to support the strategic plan's implementation.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: A monitoring and evaluation framework to monitor progress towards desired outcomes.
  • Stakeholder Engagement Strategy: A strategy for engaging relevant stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, partners, and donors, in the execution of the strategic plan.
  • Training Documentation: Documentation related to the training sessions should be provided.
  • Final Presentation: A final presentation to relevant stakeholders, such as ADJI's leadership, board members, and key partners, highlighting the key components of the strategic plan. This presentation should effectively communicate the plan's vision, goals, strategies, and anticipated impact.

Please note that all materials should be delivered both in Arabic and English languages.

  1. Duration of Work:

The consultant's engagement spans 12 weeks, covering the essential phases of preparation, training delivery, and reporting.

  1. Required Expertise and Qualifications:

To effectively deliver this training, consultants should possess the following qualifications and attributes:

  • Training Expertise: Demonstrable experience in designing and delivering training programs, particularly in the field of strategic planning and organizational development.
  • Strategic Planning Proficiency: Proven experience in strategic planning, including the ability to facilitate the entire planning process from analysis to execution. Familiarity with tools and frameworks that are tailored to nonprofit and humanitarian contexts.
  • Excellent Communication skills: Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner. Skilled in facilitating discussions and promoting interaction among participants.
  • Nonprofit Sector Insight: A deep understanding of the challenges and dynamics within nonprofit and humanitarian organizations, enabling the consultant to contextualize the training content effectively.
  • Adaptability: The ability to customize training materials and approaches to ADJI's specific context, ensuring that the content is not only relevant but also resonates with the organization's mission.
  • Educational Background: A Bachelor's and master’s degree in a relevant field such as organizational development, business administration, or strategic management (preferable executive master’s degree).
  1. Scope of Financial Proposal and Schedule of Payments:

 The remuneration structure is tied to deliverables and the mutually agreed work plan, with payments distributed as follows:

  • 20% Initial Payment: Upon contract signing and submission of a proposal encompassing the methodology for drafting ADJI strategy (in English & Arabic).
  • 40% Intermediate Payment: Following the successful completion of two working group consultations and submission of the corresponding consultation report (in English & Arabic).
  • 40% Final Payment: Upon submission of the finalized ADJI strategy, incorporating input from key stakeholders (in English & Arabic).
  1. Criteria for Selection:

Consultant evaluation adheres to the Combined Scoring method, heavily weighted towards qualifications and methodology. Consultants shortlisted in the technical evaluation will progress to the financial evaluation stage.

  1. Submission:

Prospective consultants are requested to submit the following documents as part of the Technical Proposal:

  • Concise Consultant Profile: A succinct overview of the consultant's suitability for the role.
  • Relevant Experience Portfolio: A comprehensive summary of relevant experience, highlighting successful engagements in strategic planning consultancy and project management.
  • Detailed Methodology: An extensive description of the proposed training methodology, encompassing expected deliverables, timelines, and estimated working days.
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV): A current CV showcasing the consultant's professional background and qualifications.
  1. Deadline for Submission:

The deadline for proposal submission is September 15.

Please submit all requested documents (as mentioned above) by September 15 2023 before 5:00PM Lebanon time to [email protected] copying [email protected] mentioning “Consultant for Strategic Planning development” in the Subject line.

How to apply


Prospective consultants are requested to submit the following documents as part of the Technical Proposal:

  • Concise Consultant Profile: A succinct overview of the consultant's suitability for the role.
  • Relevant Experience Portfolio: A comprehensive summary of relevant experience, highlighting successful engagements in strategic planning consultancy and project management.
  • Detailed Methodology: An extensive description of the proposed training methodology, encompassing expected deliverables, timelines, and estimated working days.
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV): A current CV showcasing the consultant's professional background and qualifications
  • Deadline for Submission:

The deadline for proposal submission is September 15.

Please submit all requested documents (as mentioned above) by September 15 2023 before 5:00PM Lebanon time to [email protected] copying [email protected] mentioning “Consultant for Strategic Planning development” in the Subject line.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 15. سبتمبر 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, تنمية, تمويل إنساني وتنموي
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.