RFQ-LBQZQ-21-0017 - Septic Tank and Trickling Filter System

Terms of Reference for supplier to construct

Trickling Filter with ABR system

Oxfam Lebanon Programme


Oxfam is an organisation that works to address the causes of poverty through campaigning and responding to the needs of the poor. In Lebanon, Oxfam works in both development and humanitarian contexts, focusing particularly on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH), Protection and Emergency, food Security and Livelihoods. In responding to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Oxfam addresses the emergency water needs through WaSH service provision to populations residing in informal settlements; and to those of the Lebanese host communities and local authorities through efforts to improve water infrastructure and management systems.

Under WASH program, Oxfam has been responding to the Syrian Crisis since 2013, operating via integrated projects in the informal tented settlement across 2 municipalities in the Bekaa. Oxfam’s response includes water trucking services, water tank distributions, and water quality monitoring; provision of communal family latrines with gender-sensitive considerations and for persons with special needs, installation of soakaway pits, and latrine desludging services; and provision of public health session.


Project Objective:

The project is to construct wastewater treatment unit consists of ABR and Trickling Filter in one informal settlement in Bouday village (Pcode 008) aiming to decrease the dependency on desludging and provide more sustainable solution in sanitation. 

Location: Bouday 008, Coordinate: 34° 2'8.46"N , 36° 4'44.01"E, 11 tents, 11 families, 79 individuals

Activity: construction of ABR system + trickling filter+ carbon filter+ soakaway pit and wetland

“RFQ-LBQZQ-21-0017 Septic Tank and Trickling Filter System”.

Content of Works:

  • Relocation of four latrine superstructure and installing five new latrine structures.
  • Installation of 11 holding tanks (1000L) to act as settlers.
  • Installing and connecting the existing latrine to network composed of manholes, 4’’ PVC pipes.
  • Excavating pit and installing 4 vertical 1000L tanks to act as ABR system.
  • Installing 1000L tank, cylindrical shape (diameter 92cm, height 172cm) and of 3 layers, the tank will be installed as per the design outside the ABR system
  • Installing 2000L vertical tank to act as a trickling filter and placing trickling media inside it.
  • Excavating soak-away pit and constructing a wet land and planting high rate absorption trees.
  • Installing a fence around the system.
  • Installing solar operating system of the single phase 0.5 HP pump including the control cabinet.
  • Installing the operation room under the panels stands.



Install 11 plastic holding tanks to each latrine in the site. Connect the holding tanks to the ABR system by constructing wastewater network (pipes and manholes).

Construct ABR system made of 4 vertical plastic tanks, each tank 1000L, have diameter 92cm, height 172cm. Connect the ABR tanks with each other using PVC pipe 3". And install PVC pipe 3" inside the tank and T-connection. To decrease bad odor, install a 300 L plastic tank raised on a steel stand to be used as a carbon filter, filled with charcoal, and connected to the ABR tanks.

Connect the ABR system to another 1000L plastic tank located outside the ABR room and install submersible pump in the tank to pump the water from tank to the trickling filter. Solar system will be installed in the site to run the pump if there is no electricity.

Trickling filter: 2000L plastic tank raised on steel stand. The plastic tank will be filled with Media (Bed biofilm) and metallic open nozzle sprinkler 1/2'' will be connected to the HDPE pipe inside the trickling filter tank.

The trickling filter will be connected to a soakaway pit 240*190*150cm.

And finally, soakaway pit will be connected to wetland of dimension 3m* 4.5-meter, perforated PVC pipe will be installed on the ground.


General Conditions:

  • The contractor must take into consideration COVID-19 precaution measures during the construction.
  • Oxfam has the right to request additional items.
  • The period of execution the works in the site shall up to 15 working days from date of handover the site.
  • The contractor should prepare and submit technical and financial offer for the works with details of the execution plan, detailed Bills of Quantities and execution schedule.
  • The contractor will be responsible to provide transportation for his worker to the sites all the days, taking into consideration the restrictions on movements.
  • The contractor must visit work sites before submitting his technical offer.
  • The tender items are not dividable.
  • The site engineer may amend what he deems "technically" suitable for the project and after taking the approval of Oxfam, and the Contractor must abide completely with instruction of the supervising committee.
  • The Contractor’s relationship will directly be with OXFAM staff and not with the refugees. OXFAM will inform the contractor on the date of starting the construction before one week.
  • OXFAM staff or his representative will onsite during the construction.
  • Oxfam shall give the approval before installing any item especially tanks, trickling materials, pumps, sprinklers, others.
  • Any material that is not available in the market, an approved alternative item should be installed.
  • The contractor shall execute all work required in the presence of the site engineer or his/her representative considering that the supervision committee has the right to require re-implementation in case of violation of specifications agreed in the technical Book of Conditions or the instructions of the supervising committee or which have been executed in the absence of Oxfam supervisors without informing the supervisor of the time of executing the works.
  • Oxfam WASH Team or his/her representative is responsible to monitor and confirm the work.
  • The contractor should have the capacity to excavate in different type of soil (muddy or rocky) and comply to secure the needed heavy machine based on the execution requirement.
  • The contractor must present all items to Oxfam’s technical team for their validation before installing them.
  • Ensure safety and security/prevention to avoid any accident while implementing.
  • Oxfam has the right to increase or decrease quantities at the same unit cost.
  • Cleaning and removing the existing debris and unused materials from inside and around the site and transporting debris outside the site as directed by the engineer.
  • Excavation in sandy soil or any other soil. The price includes excavation for any unwanted existing soil, organics, etc to any levels as per engineer instruction and approval drawings. The price also includes transportation of excavated material to approved dump area according to supervision engineer’s instructions.
  • The contractor must reinstate the site, taking in consideration maintaining good levelling of the site.



  • The contractor must ensure that the supplied items are brand new and not renewed, and that applies to all the supplied items. Preference is given to the items that have proven technical quality and efficiency during the operation
  • The contractor is committed to all the engineering designs and drawings attached with these technical conditions including the quantities and dimensions. The Contractor may not increase or decrease these quantities without the written consent of Oxfam.
  • Any unclarified items in the BOQ or the drawings must be discussed with Oxfam staff.
  • Procedure of execution in the site will be shared with contractor after signing the contract.

Selection criteria for administrative compliance:

This part concerns the information given in the supplier questionnaire, each Bidding parties can also include any other document he wishes, to assist us in judging their suitability according to the below criteria:

  • Company Profile.
  • At least Three years of experience in the same domain of construction (company name, contact name and phone number).
  • Size of customer database - along with a list of your main customers including any Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and U.N. agencies
  • Copies of Institution registration certificate and VAT registration certificate (if available) apply for companies only not individuals.


Pricing / Required Details

The prices must be presented according to the following titles:

  1. All tenderers must be qualified technically and financially to be able to submit their offers
  2. The unit prices and rates must be presented in US dollars for each of the offer items.


Coordination and Supervision

The activity will be supervised by Oxfam’s PHE team. Oxfam may assign additional staff during the implementation of activity.


Questions / Request for clarification

Any requests for clarification may be submitted by email to [email protected]

cc [email protected]


Site Survey:

The contractor must visit work sites before submitting his technical offer.

Request for site survey to be sent by email to [email protected]

Cc [email protected]


Timeframe and Payment

100% payment in USD after completing the construction of the requested quantity and submitting the financial documents.


How to apply

Closing Date: Offers to be submitted on or before Monday May 10, 2021 at 3:00 PM.

Submission should be by email to [email protected] with subject


To request ALL the annexes with the technical info, please send email to [email protected] with Cc [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 10. مايو 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي