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DCA’s operations in Lebanon support DCA’s three international goals: Save Lives, Build Resilient Communities
and Fight Extreme Inequity.
DCA’s own demining teams save lives in Mt. Lebanon and the Blue Line on the border with Israel by clearing
dangerous landmines and cluster munitions, providing risk education and starting socio-economic
development of the community after the cleared land has been handed back. To achieve the national goals set by
the Lebanese Mine Action Centre, more funds are needed to finish the work, but the end is in sight.
With the support of national partners, DCA is building more resilient communities, provides improved
livelihoods, youth empowerment, protection and immediate lifesaving assistance - both towards refugees and
host communities. This includes psychosocial and legal support, reduction of violence and the enhancement
of the ability of individuals to cope with psychosocial stress. DCA provides sustainable solutions while promoting
well-being, resilience and social cohesion
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