Senior Advisor on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support - MHPSS GIZ

Requires a Cover Letter?: 
Application Submissions Guideline: 

Notes to applicants: 

  • Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their CV, cover letter and task required as PDF format via EASY HR, link below:

Applications submitted via email will not be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.  

Tasks To be completed:
Candidate must complete the required tasks by following the below: 
1. You are requested to write an essay of 500- 600 words long on " What is staff care and why is it important for people working in development cooperation in fragile contexts?  
Please reply to this question on the basis of the “REST Introductory Guide” and the “Recommendation Paper on developing a staff care concept as a feminist NGO”.  

GIZ is committed to gender balance and diversity without distinction regarding race, sex, or religion, and without discrimination against persons with disabilities. Remuneration will be in accordance with the candidate's qualifications, experience, and scope of responsibility for the job announced and in line with local standards.

Note: GIZ will send feedback only to the candidates that are shortlisted and interviewed in person - after a final decision on recruitment is taken - within one month time from the deadline mentioned in the vacancy announcement.

Contact Person Email: 

Senior Advisor on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support


Salary band:


Technical Advisor for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Choose title of salary band




Job Profile


  1. Required qualifications, competences and experience



  • University degree in Psychology
  • Master's degree in relevant discipline


Professional experience

  • At least 5 years of experience working in development cooperation and/or humanitarian aid
  • At least 5 years of experience in project management including complex administrative tasks
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in the field of MHPSS
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in capacity development and trainings
  • Strong practical work experience in cooperating with governments and multilateral actors on MHPSS
  • Strong practical experience in conference and workshop organization and facilitation
  • Practical experience in gender and prevention of gender-based violence
  • Practical experience in supervision programs for psychologists
  • Practical experience with online learning and mobile applications is a strong plus



  • Excellent oversight over current developments in the field of MHPSS with regards to new and evidence-based approaches
  • Excellent knowledge on MHPSS actors and structures in Lebanon
  • Knowledge on monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanisms in development cooperation
  • Excellent knowledge of the political and legal characteristics of the Lebanese context
  • Knowledge on GBV and gender mainstreaming in project work



  • Fluent in English and Arabic (C2)
  • Good working knowledge of ITC technologies and computer applications, especially MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, MS Teams)
  • Proven skills in systematizing, summarizing and structuring information in English are a must
  • High degree of perspective-taking competence
  • Detail-orientation and conscientious elaboration of documents in form and writing
  • Meticulousness in administrative tasks
  • Excellent personal work organization and reliability
  • MHPSS training skills
  • Good communication skills
  • High tolerance for frustration
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team



  • High identification with a human rights-based approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
  • Commitment to work independently on detailed and sometimes tedious administrative tasks
  • Sensitivity to power dynamics
  • Critical thinking about trends in international cooperation and MHPSS
  • Non-judgmental, non-discriminatory with others
  • Eye-level communication with team members and partners
  • Gender-sensitivity


  1. Tasks


Assume a leading role in enhancing the sustainability of MHPSS knowledge management in international cooperation, including:

  • Developing manuals for trainings of trainers on selected topics, delivering the ToTs, online and in person, and handing the contents over to partners
  • Building strategic alliances with regional organizations and institutions that are interested in continuing the regional MHPSS knowledge management work initiated by the Regional Project
  • Organizing and participating in different knowledge exchange formats (workshops and conferences) to disseminate the project’s knowledge products and advocating for MHPSS in international cooperation, including active inputs in Inter-Agency Standing Committee working groups, regional working groups and national technical working groups
  • Strengthening the wide-spread use of the project’s knowledge products, including an online certificate on the integration of MHPSS into different sectors of international cooperation and a progressive web application on MHPSS integration into disaster risk management, by outreach with future users and user acceptance tests


Assume a leading role in project management, event management, tendering, administration and evaluation as well as liaison with GIZ’s country office and HQ:  

  • Administration:
    • assure compliance with GIZ’s rules and regulations in all processes and prepare internal controls
    • manage the tendering and awarding of contracts for services in accordance with German procurement law including the preparation of tender documents (such as Terms of Reference, Technical Assessment Grids) for local and international short-term experts and consultants, supporting recruitment of the former and preparing consulting missions technically and logistically
    • assure the proper storing of all documents in the document management system
    • leading the logistics of event organization
    • assuring office management and office organization
    • taking on further different logistical and administrative tasks
  • Monitoring & Evaluation: assure the results-based monitoring and the documentation of progress in the achievement of outcomes and outputs; assure storing of all required data for MEAL
  • Liaison with country office and other projects: cooperate with the country office portfolio management unit in responding to information and exchange requests; strengthen the networks with other GIZ Lebanon projects in view of providing advisory on MHPSS integration
  • Assume focal person roles upon request, for instance PR (with communications department at HQ and country office, contributing project contents to all media channels and assure fulfillment of GIZ guidelines in the elaboration of products with partners), Gender Focal Person (in cooperation with the gender working group) and Security Focal person (represent the project in meetings on security organized by the Risk Management Office, assure the compliance with security regulations, respond to security-related requests by the country office)


Provide technical support for international cooperation actors of different sectors for the integration of MHPSS approaches into their work

  • Raise awareness in different sectors on the benefits of MHPSS-integration into their work
  • Enhance knowledge management on a regional level between projects which are interested in MHPSS-integration
  • Strengthen MHPSS-capacities of development und humanitarian cooperation actors, including local partner organizations, through advisory, trainings and workshops
  • Document capacity reinforcement processes and discuss lessons learned with the regional team and in technical exchanges for the improvement of MHPSS work
  • Develop practical tools (guidelines, videos, media content), which facilitate the integration of MHPSS into different sectors of international cooperation  


Assume a leading role in enhancing MHPSS in GBV prevention and response in Lebanon

    • Prepare and accompany an assessment to identify locations of implementation, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health
    • Set up a steering committee with all governmental partners involved
    • Identify international consultancies providing GBV prevention trainings, prepare and accompany the tender
    • Lead in organizational assessments of civil-society partners and primary health care centers, to identify capacity reinforcement needs, and implement technical support activities
    • Develop and implement a capacity reinforcement roadmap on MHPSS and GBV with different professional associations in Lebanon, such as psychologists, nurses, others
    • Develop an action plan to improve the supervision and training of psychologists in internship and assure its implementation
    • Identify suitable international researchers to accompany the implementation
    • Assume other tasks upon demand


Parameters of the position:

  • Senior advisor, optional part-time position (70-100%)
  • Contract start: 01.10.2024
  • Contract end: 31.10.2025


Project Description: The Regional Project “MHPSS in the Middle East” operates in Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and Jordan in support of the professional and methodological knowledge of actors working in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). It enables the application of context-, trauma- and gender-sensitive approaches for psychosocially distressed people in the Middle East through piloting of MHPSS approaches, impact assessments, organization of technical exchange formats, and advisory on MHPSS integration in different sectors of development cooperation. Moreover, Lebanon-specific, GIZ aims to enhance the MHPSS support for survivors of gender-based violence and the strengthening of MHPSS-informed prevention approaches. The selected candidate will assume leading tasks both in the regional knowledge management project as well as the Lebanon-specific MHPSS-GBV project. The latter requires frequent presence in one of two selected communities where the project will be implemented. Working from home is permitted two days per week in a full-time position as per GIZ’s mobile work policy. Part-time employment is possible in a 70-100% range


 D.  Tasks To be completed:

Candidate must complete the required tasks by following the below: 


You are requested to write an essay of 500- 600 words long on " What is staff care and why is it important for persons working in development cooperation in fragile contexts?  
 Please reply to this question on the basis of the “REST Introductory Guide”  and the “Recommendation Paper on developing a staff care concept as a feminist NGO”. 

Please submit your text as pdf document with your application.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
06 Sep, 2024
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Contract Type:
Full Time
Period of Employment:
one year
Salary Range:
2000 to 2500 (USD)
Education Degree:
Bachelor Degree
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
5 to 10 years
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language:
  • Lebanon