Provision of External Audit services to Caritas Lebanon

To whom it may concern,

Caritas Lebanon and Caritas Austria are planning to award a service contracts to a qualified auditor/to qualified auditors for the verification of reported expenditure of the PHASE: Protection and health assistance in emergencies for vulnerable girls, boys, women and men in Lebanon –implemented in Lebanon and Austria. The project is funded by Austrian Development Agency.


How to apply

Eligible Bidders are those registered with the Lebanese Ministry of Finance.

The  Documents are available only for Interested Eligible bidders who are required to send their commercial registrations by email to [email protected] in order to receive the request for quotation and annexes documents before deadline.

Offers should be submitted by  e-mail to [email protected]

Deadline to submit offers is on  29 July 2024 before 2:00 pm

Monday, 29. Jul 2024
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Trade & Finance