Tender reference: LIB.BUID.24.SAI.006


Title of project/s: Minor Shelter Rehabilitation & Accessibility in Saida and Mount Lebanon districts


THE NGO PREMIERE URGENCE INTERNATIONALE launches a Call for tender for the contract award of construction market.



This tender, as a part of the above-mentioned humanitarian/s project/s, is being submitted and/or financed by Multiple donors. The documentation of participation can be withdrawn during the opening hours of the office, i.e., Monday through Friday and from 8.00 am to 4 :30 pm, to the following address:



Saida, Charhabil, Main Road, Sammour Building, Basement Floor


OR the requests for the documents in electronic version and/or any additional information shall be sent to:

TO [email protected]

 CC [email protected] ; [email protected]


In addition to the submission of the tender participation file that shall be hand-delivered to the following address during the opening hours of the office, i.e., Monday through Friday and from 8.00 am to 4 :30 pm, to the following address:



Saida, Charhabil, Main Road, Sammour Building, Basement Floor


Provisional calendar:

10/07/2024, 08:30 AM: Beginning of withdrawal of the tender participation file

31/07/2024, 04:03 PM: End of submission of tender participation file

02/08/2024, 10:30 AM: Offers opening session

September 2024: Contract award- Estimated date

NB: At the end of the offers evaluation session, the contract will be awarded to one or more than one Tenderer in a conditionally way and will be proposed a contract by PU-AMI.


The final award of the above mentioned market and signature of contract with the selected tender will be conditioned by the contractual commitment of funds by the donor/s for the above mentioned project/s.

Any potential costs linked to the bidder's participation in this tender, such as shipping costs, the constitution of sample, etc. will not be refunded under no circumstances.

How to apply

The tenderer should send a request for all related documents to the above provided email addresses.

Wednesday, 31. Jul 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Refugees, Shelter and Non-Food Items