
Amel is considering to further enhance its livelihood and protection activities in various region of Lebanon. Accordingly, the association would like to conduct a study (baseline / assessment) to inform its interventions

Responsibilities of the Consultant:
1. Conducting Literature Review: The consultant should undertake a comprehensive review of existing data and literature related to the target community, focusing on socio-economic aspects, social stability, vulnerabilities, and relevant contextual information.
2. Developing Methodology: The consultant is responsible for developing a robust and contextually relevant methodology for the baseline assessment. This includes selecting appropriate data collection tools, determining sample sizes, and outlining the overall approach.
3. Data Collection: Execute the data collection process, including surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. Ensure that data is collected from a representative sample within the communities.
4. Analysis and Reporting: Analyze the collected data and generate a detailed baseline assessment report. Provide insights, trends, and findings that will serve as a reference point for monitoring and evaluation.The report should include both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

Responsibilities of Amel Association:

1. Providing Contextual Information: Share relevant contextual information, project goals, and any existing data or reports with the consultant to assist in the development of a comprehensive methodology.
2. Facilitating Access: Facilitate access to the target community, ensuring that the consultant has the necessary permissions and support to carry out the assessment within the specified areas (BML, Bekaa, North, and South).
3. Engaging with Stakeholders: Amel should engage with local stakeholders, community leaders, and members to give support and cooperation for the baseline assessment. This includes obtaining consent for data collection.
4. Facilitating logistical support: Amel centers can serve as venues for conducting surveys and interviews with stakeholders.
5. Human resource Support: Amel’s team can be available to support in conducting surveys in the areas of implementation.

Qualifications of the professional counselor
1. Proven experience in conducting baseline assessments, particularly in the context of livelihood projects, social protection, and community development. Previous successful projects with similar objectives would be advantageous.
2. In-depth knowledge of livelihood strategies, social protection mechanisms, and economic empowerment, especially in the context of vulnerable populations and refugee communities.
3. Proficiency in utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including survey design, interviews, focus group discussions, and data analysis.
4. Knowledge of the socio-economic and cultural context of the target community in Lebanon, including an understanding of challenges faced by both host and refugee populations.
5. Expertise in implementing gender-sensitive methodologies, ensuring that the assessmentconsiders the specific needs and dynamics of women, men, girls, and boys.
6. Demonstrated ability to engage with diverse communities, build trust, and facilitate open communication. Strong interpersonal and cultural sensitivity skills are essential.

7. Proficient in data analysis software and experienced in producing comprehensive reports that provide actionable insights and recommendations for project planning and implementation.

Required Deliverables
1. A detailed report outlining the consultants ' understanding of the project, including the proposed methodology, data collection tools, and any adjustments made based on initial discussions. This report should be submitted shortly after the consultants engagement begins.
2. Copies of the survey questionnaires, interview guides, and any other data collection instruments used during the baseline assessment. These should be provided for review and approval before data collection begins.
3. A comprehensive report presenting the baseline assessment findings, including data analysis, interpretation, insights, and recommendations.

How to apply

If you are interested to apply for this position, Please submit the following documents to the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] with “Consultant for a Baseline Survey” as subject, by January 31, 2024:

1. A detailed CV of professionals involving in the conduct of baseline studies in this sector
2. Copies of 2 examples of similar projects

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who applied through above mentioend emails will be contacted.

Wednesday, 31. Jan 2024
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Labor & Livelihoods