Call for Consultancy: Ad agency for communication services


Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are recognized worldwide as valuable science-based resource management tools supporting ecosystem-based conservation. The Fifth World Parks Congress in Durban recommended that countries establish by 2012 a global system of effectively managed representative networks of marine and coastal protected areas and that these MPAs be extensive and include strictly protected areas that amount to at least 20-30% of each habitat.

The Aichi Biodiversity Targets, agreed during the 2010 UN Convention for Biological Diversity, call for the conservation of 10% of coastal and marine areas 2020, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services. At the same time, the Ocean Alliance and the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, which include more than 48 countries, are calling for the protection of 30% of all oceans and seas by 2030.[1] Lebanon declared three marine protected areas (MPAs) (with only two having management structures) that cover 0.41% of its territorial waters remaining far from reaching the set 2020 target.[2]

One of the proven ways to ensure conservation and protection of marine biological resources is the establishment of MPAs. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) defined MPAs in 2008 as “parts of intertidal or subtidal environments, together with their overlying waters, flora and fauna and other features, that have been reserved and protected by law or other effective means”. More specifically, MPAs are areas of seas, oceans, and estuaries where regulations are put in place to control human activity usually with the goal of protecting components of natural or cultural importance. Within this context, it became imperative to identify such zones as they can host a variety of ecologically and/or economically valuable organisms/habitats that are under immense pressure from anthropogenic interferences and need the protection of laws and regulations for their survival. Furthermore, it has been established that MPAs can bring in ecological, economic and social benefits when managed properly.

In 2012, the Ministry of Environment (MoE), with the support of IUCN, published its Marine Protected Areas Strategy aiming at declaring at least 18 additional sites.[3] This strategy is yet to be implemented, as no new MPAs outlined in Lebanon’s Marine Protected Area Strategy (MOE/IUCN MPA strategy) has been declared. Currently, only 5 of the 18 sites outlined in the strategy have been proposed for declaration.  Personal communication with the MoE has revealed that basic analytical work has been done for the main proposed marine and coastal sites labelled for protection, with some not having received approval from local relevant municipalities. In addition, no basic analysis has been conducted for all the proposed MPA estuary sites within the MOE/IUCN MPA strategy. Until the strategy is implemented fully, it will not be possible to know if Lebanon will meet the existing nationally and internationally set targets since the proposed MPA surface areas are not determined yet. Regardless, the national target 5 in the “Lebanon’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBSAP (2016)” aim to reach at least 5% of Lebanon’s total area but does not clarify if the EEZ is included.

At the same time, several draft laws are still caught in the legislative process, particularly the draft Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) law and the new draft Fishing Law. The ICZM law provides a clear definition of the CZ and includes articles stipulating the creation of the National Council for ICZM while other articles are related to sanctions and penalties. On the other hand, the draft Fishing Law prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) takes into consideration the new challenges in fisheries management as well as the new scientific references and benchmarks for the sustainable management of marine resources. Furthermore, a section is dedicated to Aquaculture.

An MPA network is defined as a system of individual marine protected areas characterized by connectivity. To build effective networks, we must ensure that these networks are created to add value to existing conservation efforts. Creating networks allow individual MPAs to benefit from making connections through biophysical and social linkages. MPAs within such networks operate cooperatively with a range of protection levels that fulfill biodiversity goals and objectives more effectively than individual sites could alone. In addition to ecological benefits, social, economic and fisheries benefits are realized over time from the scaling up of individual sites to networks of MPAs.


With all the stresses that the marine and coastal biodiversity in Lebanon is facing, particularly from the dreadful management of solid and liquid wastes, drastic land-use change, pollution in all its forms, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, and climate change, various studies and analysis conducted on national and regional levels indicate that it is necessary to accelerate the development and implementation of policies and regulations for the establishment of an effective MPAs Network.

Therefore, the Lebanese Environment Forum (LEF), in partnership with the University of Balamand, and funded by the European Union, is leading a project with the specific objective: The establishment of an effective MPAs network in Lebanon’s EEZ is enhanced for the protection of Lebanon’s coastal and marine biodiversity and ecosystems through a national non-state actors advocacy campaign supported by science-based evidence.

The sub-objectives of the project are:

  1. A national non-state actors’ advocacy campaign to establish an MPAs network has been strengthened through the provision of adequate science-based evidence.
  2. Lebanon’s official “Marine Protected Areas Strategy” implementation has been enhanced.
  3. The two draft laws, “integrated coastal zone management” and “fishing law”, necessary for the effective management of MPAs have been passed by the Parliament.

The main outputs of the project are:

  1. Available adequate datasets, robust scientific evidence, analytical work and high-quality scientific studies are analysed for the establishment of an MPAs network in order to improve the quality of legislation and the quality of dialogue between State’s Institutions and Non-State Actors.
  2. Non-state actors involved in the protection of coastal and marine biodiversity and ecosystems are adequately trained and their capacity is increased on the use of science and evidence for the establishment, management and sustainability of an MPAs network.
  3. An effective MPAs network advocacy campaign to influence national and sub-national policies and regulations has been developed and implemented over the course of the project.


The objectives of the consultancy are:

  1. Communicating and advertising the advocacy campaign targeting the members of the “National Campaign for Establishing an MPAs Network”, the stakeholder forum for coastal zone management and the decision makers engaged at the national level
  2. Design and implement an advocacy communication strategy.
  3. Lead on all communication activities and produce needed materials for the campaign
  4. Ensure the visibility of the project and the EU.


Under the direct supervision of the LEF, the Consultant will be responsible for undertaking the following tasks:

  • Developing and implementing a suitable communication plan providing high-profile exposure to the advocacy campaign in close collaboration with the consultant of the advocacy strategy campaign and in line with EU's Communication and Visibility Guidelines.
  • Providing the following communication materials and deliverables:
    • Branding name and identity for the Campaign (including logo)
    • Media and marketing campaign (Guerrilla marketing or other…)
    • Website /webpage for the Advocacy Campaign
    • Social Media campaign (approach, content and design)
    • Short videos
    • Advocacy Toolkit Design

Other innovative and friendly use tools are encouraged to be suggested.

  • Producing and designing: Quarterly Newsletter, Infographics, Posters, roll ups, Reports and factsheets.
  • Assist in press conferences and traveling exhibition ads and materials
  • Provide services and advise on the above upon request during the project period.



The required qualification and skills for this assignment are:

  • Expertise in Communication, media, public relations, marketing and/or journalism or related fields;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing successful strategies and campaigns in the field of environment
  • Experience working in the field of advertising, digital communication and production
  • Experience working with NGOs;
  • Knowledge of the EU's Communication and Visibility Guidelines
  • Good organizational and planning skills and ability to adhere to deadlines.
  • Good understanding of Lebanese political, social, cultural, and communication situation;
  • Excellent command of oral and written English.





The starting date for implementation will be the date of signature of the contract for the overall project duration.



LEF will select the firm/office that offers the best value for money in compliance the requirements and specifications described above and following the Evaluation grid in the Annex 1.

The premium for this task will be on the creativity of the campaign concept/approach offered and efficacy in addressing the expected outputs and the key target groups mentioned.



The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.




[2] SPA/RAC and MedPAN, 2019. The legal framework for marine protected areas in Lebanon: Fact sheets. By Emmanouilidou P., Seddik W., Webster C., El Asmi S. and Kheriji A. Ed. SPA/RAC. MedMPA Network Project, Tunis: 11 pages.

[3] Lebanon’s Marine Protected Area Strategy: Supporting the management of important marine habitats and species in Lebanon. Beirut, Lebanon, Gland, Switzerland y Malaga, Spain: the Lebanese Ministry of Environment / IUCN. 64 pp.

How to apply


Interested candidates must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, general qualifications, and number of key staff, team members…etc.). At this phase, technical and financial proposals (in Euros) must be delivered to the email address: [email protected] indicating in the subject: MPAs Network- Ad Agency Consultancy Services no later than August 10, 2023.


Documents required

    • A technical proposal, including information on experience of consultant in relation to the requirements listed above, a methodology for the work, and key personnel.
    • A financial proposal, including a total and breakdown budget.
    • It is also required to submit:
  • Company profile (short info up to 1 page).
  • Copy of Company’s Registration Certificate.

P.S: The technical proposal should include the main components of the strategy for communicating and advertising the advocacy campaign and the Stakeholder Forum mainly the approach to be adopted.


Thursday, 10. Aug 2023
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
28 months