Request for Quotations For Taxi Transportation Services (Within Beirut)

Request for Quotations


Taxi Transportation Services (Within Beirut)


The Danish Refugee Council in Lebanon, is seeking a qualified service provider (firms) for Taxi transportation services

 as per the attached Bid form /Annex A.


Tender (RFQ) Issuing date:   22nd of July 2022

Tender (RFQ) Closure Date:  29th of July 2022    Deadline of submission / timing: 11:00am (Beirut time)

Implementation date of Services: 1st Week of August 2022

How to apply

Submission of bids:

Via Email to: [email protected]


Sealed envelope to Address: Paragon building, 3rd floor, Sassine Square, Achrafieh, Beirut.

Questions can only be addressed via email to [email protected]

The attached RFQ documents will provide all relevant information in detail, including date, time, and place for the submission of the Tender.

Please quote RFQ No. BEY RFQ/2022/13 in all communications.




