‘We Are Lebanon:' Connecting the Lebanese diaspora to their home land

BEIRUT: From an online Lebanese movement to a local NGO, We Are Lebanon promptly launched the “We Are Lebanon Diaspora Network” project to colligate Lebanese citizenry from all around the world.

The NGO was established in 2012 with the vision of abolishing any sectarian ideology, stereotype, or even affiliation that might ban Lebanese individuals from standing in solidarity with each other and enriching their sense of patriotism to make Lebanon prosper again.

“Through We Are Lebanon, we strive to bring together Lebanese, residing in Lebanon and abroad, to build a tranquil community with rich diversity, and a homeland great enough for the ambitions, dreams, and plans of its citizens,” said Wael Yaman, the NGO’s founder. “As locals, we have a duty towards Lebanon which is embodied in promoting the beautiful and positive side of it and the Lebanese, even throughout our hardest times.”

After Lebanon witnessed a series of ups and downs, “We Are Lebanon Diaspora Network” projects emerged to transform the bitter reality and link the Lebanese dwelling in the diaspora to their homeland. Yaman believes that Lebanon’s expats are one of the country’s main assets thus they have the right to improve it.

Filled with synergy and hope, the We Are Lebanon Diaspora Network brings together around 130 Lebanese expats residing in different countries. 

These expats, who range from nostalgic Lebanese whom have recently moved abroad to people of Lebanese origins who have never been to Lebanon, all consider the NGO’s platforms as a place to reconnect to their homeland.

“73% of our active followers are Lebanese expats. This is something that we consider as a chance to link our audience to their homeland as well as update them in a very sincere way on the events taking place inside their country,” added Yaman.

Besides running the diaspora's project, the NGO also supports the country on the ground -especially after the blast by collaborating with other national and international organizations.

“Immediately after the blast, we announced our collaboration with the UN Global Compact Network in Lebanon under the 'Beirut Rescue Fund' project. This project aims to facilitate the process of raising funds, which will be used to help affected people by providing food, shelter and renovation, education, and medical assistance to those in need,” Yaman told Annahar.

Additionally, We are Lebanon is providing works on a series of awareness-raising campaigns to ask locales and expats to interfere in enhancing the country’s situation.

“Expats played a major role after August 4 through raising awareness among their international communities on Lebanon's current needs. They’ve been the dynamo to organizing plenty of aid campaigns all around the world,” explained Yaman.

According to a questionnaire filled by the 200 followers of the NGO’s active followers, 47% felt nostalgic to Lebanon and with a sense of patriotism, 25% were influenced by the positivity promoted on the pages, 19% used platforms as a destination guide, and 9% were influenced by the social and humanitarian causes promoted by the NGO.

“Our audience refers to us as a destination guide and a credible source of information. Eventually, this triggers us to continue working on the same vision and goals in the upcoming future to revive Lebanon’s economy, internal tourism, and local businesses,” Yaman told Annahar.

Click here to check out the orignal Article on Annahar website.

Last modified: 
18/05/2022 - 11:03pm
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Intervention Sector(s): 
Communications & Media

Manal Makkieh - Annahar