Expected Results

Objective: Support governorates, their local stakeholders and communities across Lebanon to establish an effective disaster risk information and management system and to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to yearly and cyclical disasters triggered by natural hazards as well as other manmade hazards.

Output 1.1: Comprehensive and inclusive Community Assessment including community Hazard, Assets and Resource, Direct Impact and Indirect Impact Mapping are developed.

Output 1.2: Comprehensive mapping of relevant partners and policy architecture at the national and sub-national levels developed

Output 1.2: DRR evidence-based solutions are developed and implemented to improve the resilience of affected communities in locations identified as high risk.

Indicative Budget

A minimum of $25,000 with a ceiling of $90,000

Other Information

Timeframe of the proposed intervention should not exceed 3 months including the formation of the committee and the community consultation process.

Preference will go to cost effective projects with significantly more funds going to program activities than administrative costs.  In certain cases, IOM may choose to directly cover some of the costs i.e. procurement of tools and materials, cost of labor as appropriate.

Selection Criteria





Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results

Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results; Expertise on life skills, budgeting skills as well as, communication, negotiation and participation skills ; Expertise and experience in developing and delivery of training programmes and capacity building for CSOs and public institutions; Adequacy and clarity of proposed budget (including contribution by CSO); Relevant technical expertise and experience in working with a different range of stakeholders at a national and local level in implementing DRR projects and establishing a youth-sensitive perspective across sectors. Expected impact of proposed project (natural, physical, human, social and economic)




Sustainability of intervention

Experience in partnering with Municipalities and Union of municipalities and key institutions related to youth and women participation and development; National and Local experience, presence and community relations; Management ability; Sustainability of intervention.




Replicability/scalability; Gender mainstreaming skills to apply during implementation of the programmes; Innovative approach



How to apply

Expression of Interest submission guidelines

Please refer to the attached document

This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information.

  1. The Application must be submitted either by hand or through mail in sealed envelope to IOM with office address at [insert complete address] no later than [insert date and time of deadline of submission]. Late Application will no longer be considered.
  2. A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge and expertise of the Implementing Partners
  3. The Application must be submitted in one original and one copy and envelop must be marked “Original” and “Copy” as appropriate. If there are any discrepancies between the original and the copy the original governs. Both envelopes shall be placed in an outer envelope and sealed. The outer envelope shall be labeled with the submission address, reference number and title of the Project and name of the Implementing Partner.
  4. The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address this CEI requirements may be rejected.
  5. The Application document should comprise of the following:
    1. Cover Letter;
    2. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and
    3. Any other relevant documents
  6. Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline.
  7. The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.
  8. IOM at no occasion will ask an application fee from Implementing Partners.
  9. All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful.
  10. IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles.
  11. The Implementing Partner by submitting an application gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal.
  12. IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOM’s action.
Monday, 25. Apr 2022
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Advocacy & Awareness, Development, Infrastructure & Services Rehabilitation, Recovery and reconstruction, Training & Capacity Building