Request for Proposal - Environmental Consultant

Arcenciel is seeking proposals from consultants to provide the following consulting Services: Technical due diligence on arcenciel healthcare management program to design its strategic options and positioning in the Lebanese healthcare waste management system. In addition, to the aforementioned the consultant will help in identifying internal weaknesses and support in adjusting organizational schemes. More details on the Services are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR).

The Consultant shall be selected in coherence with grading selection tools, based on quality (mostly Consultant’s qualifications). The Consultant experience in conducting national scaled Environmental analysis of the waste sector (specifically in Lebanese or Middle East), its experience in conducting financial study related to waste as well as designing and assessing workflows and organizational resources is a crucial criterion in the selection.

The evaluation of all Consultancies’ proposals will be based on the evaluation matrix mentioned in the attached Terms of Reference (TOR).  

Based on the evaluation matrix, any candidate scoring less than 50% will be ineligible to pursue the process.

Upon shortlisting of potential bidders, physical interviews will be held to further assess the eligibility and qualifications required.

How to apply

Interested consultants are encouraged to apply to the following email: [email protected]

The application must include:

1. Expression of interest materials
a. For Companies
i. Company registration certificate
ii. VAT registration certificate
b. For Individuals (freelance consultants)
i. MOF registration certificate

2. Technical Proposal (for all experts involved, whether companies or individual applicants)
a. Expert CVs
b. Project Proposal
c. A well-defined work plan

The deadline for receiving applications will be on Friday the 04th of February 2022, at 4:00 pm (Beirut timing).

For any technical inquiries, kindly send an email within 1 week of posting this letter of invitation, to [email protected].

All the inquiries will be answered and sent in one document to all consultants.

Friday, 04. Feb 2022
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Environment