A FEASIBILITY STUDY for the Development of a Model Municipal Solid Waste Management Program for the Protection of the Sainiq River Basin in Southern Lebanon

The Baseline and Master Plan has been elaborated
for the area covering 20 villages produce 50 tons /daily of Solid waste
covering the unions of municipalities of Iqleem El tufah and Jabal Al Rihan.
Before proceeding with the implementation phase IET invites you to submit an
offer for: 
A FEASIBILITY STUDY for the Development of a Model Municipal Solid
Waste Management Program for the Protection of the Sainiq River Basin in
Southern Lebanon.

How to apply

The selected contractor should provide IET with the following:

A detailed technical proposal related to the feasibility study for the project as disclosed in the Terms of Reference.

 Financial Proposal 

 Company profile of the applicant

 Experiences of the applicant in the Solid Waste Management and Environmental analysis and studies

 Human resources

The contractor should refer in his study to the ToR of this request for quotation (to be distributed).


The offer must contain the following completed documents and information:

Annex A completed in all its parts;

General information about the Company (Company CV); (refer to TOR section 4)

A tangible study of a feasible solid waste project elaborated by your company

n.b. All the pages of the offer must be stamped and signed by an authorized representative of the Company.



The offers, bidding documents and the requested documents must be addressed to  [email protected]

Friday, 30. Apr 2021
Type of Call
Call for Consultancies
Intervention Sector(s):
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months