The Project MEDARTSAL funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Program under the Thematic objective A.1 BUSINESS AND SMES DEVELOPMENT.

ADR intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under contract for the Provision of Financial Audit for the MEDARTSAL Project to ensure compliance of expenditures under the project with the domestic law as well as their compliance with the Program requirements and provisions of the grant contract, including the valid version of the application form.

The audit is an expenditure and revenue verification procedure with regard to the Individual Financial Report for the Grant Contract between ADR, CUEIM and the Managing Authority.

The services include the carrying out of Financial Audit for the MEDARTSAL Project Financial Reports for the overall period of November 5,2019 – Nov 4, 2022. The Financial Audit is to be divided in three phases:

Phase 1: Financial Audit for the period of November 5, 2019- Nov 5, 2020

Phase 2: Financial Audit for the period of November 5, 2020- Nov 5, 2021

Phase 3: Financial Audit for the period of November 5, 2021- Nov 4, 2022

How to apply

Please download the attached Files for delails regarding the application.


Thursday, 30. Apr 2020
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Development, Environment