REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL "Road Safety Consultant"

This TOR is intended to consultants’ experts in safety on the roads, having qualification and previous field experience to support and advise on road safety measures.


Experience required:

  • Previous experience in preparing campaigns, on the safety on the roads is a plus.
  • Experience in working in rural communities;
  • Knowledge of safe system policy and implementation.
  • Knowledge of Lebanese Law and Road code and vehicle safety standards.
  • Proven experience in writing short practical modules (for training and/or for ToT)
  • Previous experience with specialized entities and organizations is a plus.
  • Experience working with INGOs and NGOs is a plus
  • Training experience is a plus.


Required qualification:

  • Fluent in Arabic and English, French is a plus.
  • University degree in one, or more, of the following fields: Social work and related, Law or Communication
  • Relevant experience or a combination of experience and other degree may substitute academic background


Personal qualification:

  • Excellent Organization & Communication skills
  • Diplomacy and ability to listen
  • Ability to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural context.
  • Open-minded and flexibility


  1. Target of this service

Municipalities, involved communities, parents and caregivers, AVSI’s Non Formal Education educators and staff.


  1. Tasks
  1. Develop the content for awareness sessions directed to parents, caregivers and teachers;
  2. Produce at least 3 age specific and original tools to be used with children (6-10), adolescents (11-14) and caregivers/educators to make awareness sessions as interactive as possible. 
  3. Develop a community-based approach to understand and investigate which road safety practices and measures are already being implemented and link them with safety road principles;
  4. Propose measures to complement and scale up community identified practices;
  5. Develop a ToT module for AVSI staff for the implementation of the Safety of the Road campaign activities at community level and in education settings (ideally 2 sessions of 2 hours length)
  6. Co-trained at least 2 training cycles in 2 different location with AVSI staff
  7. In tight collaboration with AVSI communication department and project management propose targeted slogans for the campaign (community, schools and NFE centers, local authorities, national authorities);
  8. Develop an observation checklist tackling minimum requirements for ensuring security and safety in front of NFE centers and report on findings. This checklist should possibly be used to assess the security and safety level at public schools’ entrances as well (or “in a second phase”?);
  9. Verify feasibility with a group of municipalities (as a pilot) of which safety measures can be implemented according to Lebanese Law and Road code and produce a report of the proven/not proven feasibility


  1. Expected implementation period and submission deliverables

During the period between November and the end of December 2019.

Point 2 by November 15-2019

Point 3, 4, 8: by November 23-2019

Point 5: by December 3- 2019

Point 6: week 10-13 December

Point 9: by the end of the contract


  1. Selection of the Service provider

The provider will be selected based on relevance and specific experiences in relation to the TOR (experience, efficiency and availability), financial proposal & technical proposal.


  1. Submission of proposals

7.a Documents for submission

The following documents must be attached to the offer in hard or soft copies:

  • Eligibility Certificate signed (Annex I attached)
  • Proposal including:

Briefing of the activity plan and time frame

The trainer’s fiscal number

The total cost in US Dollars including VAT

The required payment terms

  • Relevant portfolio or trainer’s personal CV
  • Any other relevant information or certification aimed to determine the relevant personal field experience


7.b Validity of quotation

Minimum 30 days (to be specified in the quotation) 

How to apply

Submission of Quotations

Quotations must be submitted by email to [email protected].lb with all supporting documents as specified above.

Offers not strictly conforming to tender conditions may not be considered.

Deadline for submission is Tuesday November 12 2019, before 5:00 pm.

Tuesday, 12. Nov 2019
Type of Call
Call for Proposals
Intervention Sector(s):