Mashrou' Leila: Homophobic Backlash on Freedom of Expression

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#1 Wed, 24/07/2019 - 3:39pm
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قبل ثلاثة أسابيع من مهرجان بيبلوس الدولي، تواجه فرقة مشروع ليلى اللبنانية تهديدات على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي بسبب أغنيتهم "جنّ" التي اعتبرها عدد من الكهنة أنها مسيئة للدين المسيحي، وبسبب مقال نشره مغنيهم يظهر صورة للمغنية مادونا تحل محل مريم العذراء في أيقونة.
نشرت صفحة على فيسبوك، تضم أكثر من 5500 متابع، سلسلة من المنشورات تدعو إلى العنف ضد أعضاء الفرقة. ولكن أقسى ردة فعل استهدفت التوجه الجنسي للمغني الرئيسي، من خلال اهانة المثليين والتهديدات بالقتل.

ونشر بعض الكهنة بيانات عبر الصفحة على فايسبوك تدعو إلى مقاطعة الحفلة. كما دعم مطران جبيل، بالإضافة إلى البطريرك الماروني، الحملة من خلال إصدار بيانًا يدين فيه مشروع ليلى، ويضغط على بلدية جبيل وأعضاء مجلس النواب من أجل حظر الحفلة.

يمكن اتهام فرد أو جماعة بالإساءة إلى الدين أو الشخصيات الدينية بموجب أربع مواد من القانون الجنائي اللبناني. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن التعاريف الغامضة والواسعة لكلمات مثل "القدح والذم" و"التشهير" شكّلت تاريخيا أسس لحظر العمل الفكري أو الفني وتقييد حرية التعبير.

كيف يمكننا المحافظة على  حرية التعبير والحريّات الجنسية في لبنان؟


Three weeks before the Byblos International Festival, Lebanese band Mashrou’ Leila has been facing threats on social media over their song “Djin” which was deemed by several priests and others as offensive towards the Christian religion, and an article posted by their openly gay lead singer, which featured a picture of singer Madonna replacing the Virgin Mary on an icon. 

A Facebook page with over 5,500 followers has shared a series of posts calling for violence against members of the group, while other members have accused Mashrou' Leila of being Satan worshipers. But it seems that the harshest backlash has been directed towards the lead singer’s sexual orientation, as users have attacked him through homophobic slurs and even death threats.

Statements by several priests calling for a boycott of the concert were posted on the Facebook group. The campaign was picked up by the Archdiocese of Byblos, backed by the support of the Maronite Patriarch, who released an open letter condemning Mashrou' Leila's upcoming performance and putting pressure on the Byblos Municipality and MPs to ban the concert.

An individual or group could be charged with offending religion or religious figures under four articles of the Lebanese Criminal Code. Moreover, the vague and broad definitions of “defamation” and “libel” have historically served as grounds for the banning of intellectual or artistic work and restricting freedom of expression. 

What could be done to preserve freedom of expression and sexual freedoms in Lebanon?

Wed, 31/07/2019 - 9:50am

UPDATE: On July 24, 2019, Public Prosecutor Ghada Aoun summoned members of Mashrou’ Leila for questioning with State Security, after a lawyer filed a complaint requesting for the investigation of the band for “insulting religion and promoting homosexuality”. The band was released on the same day and Aoun emphasised that no additional legal procedures could be brought against the group because there was "no additional offense". Lead singer Hamed Sinno has since removed his Facebook statement as well as the Madonna post. 

Members of another Facebook group called “The Democratic Christian Party” have been threatening to use guns, and other forms of violence against attendees of the concert.  

On July 30, 2019, the Byblos International Festival has announced the cancelation of the concert, citing security concerns.  One day prior, a protest was held at Samir Kassir square in solidarity with Mashrou’ Leila and in support of freedom of expression.

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