Municipal Finance and Administration - Capacity building

RESLOG is based on a whole systems approach to local governance and resilience development. This means drawing on multi-disciplinary competences, and also focusing on interactions between levels, actors and sectors as well as organisation specific aspects. RESLOG will address issues such as capacity gaps, financial circumstances, structures, planning processes, or decision-making procedures of organisations  themselves, as well as at looking at interactions between vertical and horizontal actors within the system, and the enabling environment. 

In perspective of this above and in order to address resilience in local governance effectively, RESLOG will work with different system levels in Lebanon: 

Local: individual municipalities, communities (host and refugee), civil society, INGOs, etc.

Regional: Provincial/governorate administrations, Regional Unions of Municipalities (Turkey), Unions of Municipalities (Lebanon), aid coordination mechanisms, etc.

National: National Unions of Municipalities (UMT), central government agencies, policy institutions, donors etc.


On the following topic, the service provider should provide specialised training workshops:

  1. The Municipal Legal Framework


On the following topics, the service provider should provide specialised training workshops complemented by coaching, mentoring and on-the-job training:

  1. Financial Management in Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities:
    1. Budgeting (Budget Preparation and Execution)
    2. Tax Calculation and Collection
    3. Increasing Revenues of Municipalities and Unions
    4. Financial Reporting
  2. Municipal Administration:
    1. Public Procurement
    2. Asset Management
    3. Archiving and Filing Systems


The service provider should provide technical expertise, mentoring and on-the-job training to develop and implement the following bylaws and internal codes for municipalities and unions of municipalities:

    1. Personnel Code
    2. Procurement Code
    3. Internal Audit Charter
    4. Organisational Structure (incl. reporting lines, job descriptions, salary scale)
    5. Rules of Procedures for the Council Meetings of Municipalities and Unions

The company must be available for regular meetings to discuss content and relevance of deliverables.


Starting Date: As soon as possible

End Date: 31 December 2019.

Location: Akkar, North Lebanon.      

Participants: 20 participants 

Types of participants: The participants for the courses are affiliated with union of Dreib El Awsat representing all the municipalities under the union, staff members, council members and some municipalities representatives. 

Logistics: SKL I will organise the trainings (booking venue, logistics, inviting participants, following up on attendance etc.).

Extension: There is a potential extension of this service to another union within Akkar during 2019. 



The submission for this vacancy notice does not entail any commitment on the part of SKL I, either financial or otherwise. DRI may cancel the vacancy notice at any time without assigning any reason.


How to apply

Interested service provider should provide the following:

  1. The detailed methodology of the competence development programme.
  2. The detailed curriculum of the competence development programme.
  3. CVs of committed experts who will execute the training and coaching activities.
  4. A detailed financial offer broken down along the number of units and cost per unit for each course/ item.


Interested service providers are invited to send all their enquiries and requests for clarifications no later than Sunday 10th of February 2019 COB and to submit their offers along with the requested documents mentioned in the attached document no later than Monday 18th of February 2019 COB to [email protected]

The title of the e-mail:  “Municipal Finance and Administration – Capacity Building / Name”, with “Name” referring to your company’s Name.

Applications should be full and submitted within the deadline in order to be accepted.


Monday, 18. Feb 2019
Type of Call
Calls for Tenders
Intervention Sector(s):
Good governance and transparency