Life in the Gaza Strip six weeks after the armed conflict 27 Dec 2008-17 Jan 2009 Evidence from a household sample survey - A summary

This multi-topic household sample survey was implemented to collect data to document the living conditions in the Gaza Strip in the wake of Israel’s assault on 27 December and the ensuing armed conflict. It was thought that a fairly rapid assessment would benefit everyone concerned with post-war reconstruction and aid of various sorts. Through interviews with more than 2,000 households, the survey covered issues such as displacement during the war and damages caused by it, people’s economic situation, needs and concerns, their health and psycho-social status. The fieldwork was implemented from 3 to 12 March 2009, and face-to-face interviews were carried out at 132 fieldwork locations spanning the entire Gaza Strip. The survey was funded by the Norwegian Government with additional contribution from the UNFPA. In addition to this summary of findings, major survey outputs will consist of an extensive list of tables posted at Fafo’s web page, and a report to be published jointly by the UNFPA and Fafo.

Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Relief Services, Recovery & Reconstruction