This resource is a guide published by KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation, with the support of the Italian Government, in 2008. It includes guidelines intended to help the social worker in her interviews with women, enabling her to provide them with the proper basic legal information. The booklet aims at the enrichment of the social worker’s legal background, enabling her to answer women’s simple legal questions, namely in cases of emergencies which cannot wait until they get a specialized legal advice. It goes over the family laws (including custody, alimony, divorce and separation, visitation rights, and cohabitation) within the Christian and Muslim communities, and reviews some common provisions namely concerning judicial assistance, travel prohibition, children’s abduction, civil marriage, and decisions executions. The resource also provides addresses of religious courts in Lebanon, as well as a list of medical forensic practitioners in Lebanon. The user of this guide should be aware that this legal information is just basic and needs to be detailed by a specialized legal expert. The social worker should refrain from elaborating on the booklet’s topics; she should content herself with the exact and literal information included in the booklet. Any further development requires the intervention of a professional lawyer. The pdf of the guide in English also features the French version, and a version in Arabic is also available.

Kafa (Enough) Violence & Exploitation
Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Legal Issues, Family Issues