Education of Syrian Refugee Children: Managing the Crisis in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan

This scoping study is intended to contribute to the ongoing policy discussions among governments, donors, and United Nations agencies about the education of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan (the three countries with the largest populations of Syrian refugees), on
four topics:
• Access: How can refugee children access education?
• Management: How will refugee education be planned, managed, and supported?
• Society: How can refugee education promote a stable and prosperous society? How can plans for refugee education be managed within sensitive political constraints?
• Quality: How can the quality of education for both refugees and host country citizens be promoted in such difficult circumstances?
The report concludes with policy implications, discussions of trade-offs among goals within resources and political constraints, and needed areas of further research.

RAND Corporation
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Refugees, Education