War Child Holland invests in a peaceful future for children affected by armed conflict. Our mission is to help war children to change the future.

  1. About Can’t Wait to Learn


Can’t Wait to Learn (CWTL) proposes new cost-effective solutions to the urgent challenges facing education for children in emergencies. By utilising innovative technological solutions with a focus on serious gaming, CWTL builds on concepts which have been successfully piloted in Sudan.

Can’t Wait to Learn has the potential to provide out-of-school children with access to education opportunities, especially in rural areas where no formal schools exist. The programme uses education technology as part of a model of education which is offering certified curriculum level content through applied gaming and personalised pupil engagement. The programme uses a range of innovative, results focused approaches: combining context specific applied gaming and community-based facilitation instead of waiting for formal schools to be built; a strong innovation management staged approach to growth with rigorous appropriate research; and focusing on getting the right partnerships in place.

  1. Purpose of the consultancy


War Child is developing content for the reading games targeted at out of school children in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa. War Child is looking for an experienced video production company / filmmakers to produce and edit instructional videos that will be used in the Lebanon Arabic Reading game.

The consultant will produce around 150 short instructional videos. The videos will support children in learning phonics and basic reading concepts such as sentence structure.


  1. Specification


  • Total videos to be filmed 150 max (Number subject to change)
  • Videos will vary from an average of 3 - 6 mins long (max)
  • All equipment needed must be provided by the consultant
  • All videos need to be made in Arabic, using native Arabic speakers
  • Videos to be filmed in inside or outside locations and settings. WCH will give final approval for the locations and settings
  • Videos to be presented by 1 or two actors (acting as teachers) at once in a conversational style rather than teacher talking to students
  • Actors will be commissioned by the consultant as part of this Request for Proposals
  • Actors should be Lebanese, speak clear formal Arabic and be sufficiently familiar that children from different backgrounds across the country can relate to them. Candidates are required to send a 30 second audition video (based on a provided script) to WCH in the preparation week. WCH will give final approval for the actors before filming commences.
  • The quality should be in line with the videos to be watched on a laptop or computer monitor, more specification will be provided with the briefing and the final scripts. 
  • The consultant will be overseen by War Child’s office in Lebanon



  1. Production timeline

The production timeline should include preparation time (finding locations, recruiting actors, preparing auditions, script practicing), filming and editing (including reviewing and approval from WCH).

All final videos (edited and reviewed) should be submitted to WCH in Amsterdam by the 31th of December.

    • Scenario example (See below)

This is intended to show an example of the scripts used while filming. Most videos will have similar style of scripts although videos introducing more complex concepts might have a different style.   
Full scripts and briefing, which must be adhered to, will be delivered following signature of the contract. Resources to be used in the videos will be sent together with the scripts.  

تعريف أهمية القراءة والكتاب

أولاً: المادة العلمية المُراد توصيلها:

1تعريف أهمية القراءة والكتاب.


ثانياً: مستلزمات التصوير:

  • المستلزمات البشرية:  المعلمة
  • المستلزمات الفنية: كرسي، قصة الدجاجة الحمراء، كتاب فوائد الفواكه.


ثالثاً: المواد العلمية والتوضيحية على الشاشة الخلفية المعدَّة مسبقاً:

  • المشهد الأول: أن يتعرف الطفل الكتاب وتحديداً القصة ويكون قادراً على القراءة والكتابة).
  • المشهد الثاني:  يميز الطفل أنواع الكتب المختلفة ويكتشف كيفية تصفحها.


رابعاً: المادة  الحوارية

المشهد الأول

 تعرّف المعلمة القراءة وتبَيّنُ  أهميتها.



اسم الشخصية


- (مرحباً يا أطفال ، أنا   المعلّمةُ...... ).


- ( سأخبرُكُم عن قصةٍ رائعةٍ قرأتُها للتوَّ،   عن دجاجةٍ حمراءَ نشيطةٍ، أمضت نهارَها وهيَ  تحضِّرُ الطعامَ  الشهيَّ  في حين كان  أصدقاؤها يلهُونَ في الحديقةِ).


- ( انظُروا هذا هو الكتاب! )



- (انْظُروا! هذه هي الدجاجةُ الحمراءُ التي  حدثتكمْ عنها، هي دجاجةٌ نشيطةٌ فعندما كنتُ أقرأ هذا الكتابَ، لم أتمكنْ من التوقفِ حتى أكتشفَ ما الذي سيحدثُ معَها. لقد كانت قصةً مشوقةً جداً!)



- (عندما كنتُ أنظرُ إلى هذه الخطوطِ في الورقةِ، في البدايةِ كنتُ لا أفهمُ ما الذي تعنيه، فهي حروف قد كتبتْ جنباً إلى جنبٍ لتشكلَ الكلماتِ، والكلماتُ هي التي تحكي لكمُ القصةَ).



- (أتدرونَ أنَّ الشيءَ الرائعَ في الكتبِ هو أنَّ الكاتبَ يمكنُ أن يحكي  القصةَ للقارئِ،  حتى إنْ لم يكنْ معه في المكانِ نفسهِ. ويمكن أن تكونَ قصةَ مغامرةٍ أو قصةً عن الحياةِ اليوميةِ، أو قد تكونُ معلوماتِ  عن أشياءَ جديدةٍ. اذاً يمكنكَ أن تتعلمَ الكثيرَ من الكتبِ).


- (تلتقط الكاميرا  المعلمة وهي تجلس على الكرسي).


- (تلتقط الكاميرا المعلمة وهيَ تقول انظروا هذا هو الكتاب! وتفتح الكتاب وتظهر الصفحات إلى الكاميرا).


- (تلتقط الكاميرا  المعلمة وهيَ تفتح الكتاب مشيرةً في الوقت ذاته  إلى الصورة في الكتاب).



- (تلتقط الكاميرا  المعلمة وهيَ تُظهر الكلام في إحدى الصفحات).




- (تلتقط الكاميرا  المعلمة وهيَ تقول)














  1. Payments:



Payments will be made as 30% advance on contract signature, and with 70% on approved submission of the video materials.


  1. Copyright, patents and other proprietary rights:



Except as is otherwise expressly provided in writing, WCH shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, knowhow, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed for WCH under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract, and the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for the WCH.


To the extent that any such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any intellectual property or other proprietary rights of the Contractor: (i) that pre-existed the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract, or (ii) that the Contractor may develop or acquire, or may have developed or acquired, independently of the performance of its obligations under the Contract, WCH does not and shall not claim any ownership interest thereto, and the Contractor grants to WCH a perpetual license to use such intellectual property or other proprietary right solely for the purposes of and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.


Subject to the foregoing provisions, all maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, estimates, recommendations, documents, and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of WCH, shall be made available for use or inspection by WCH at reasonable times and in reasonable places, shall be treated as confidential, and shall only be delivered to named WCH staff.



  1. Required skills and experience:



  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience with a proven professional record in working in the field of filmmaking;
  • Experience working with or for an international organization is a bonus
  • Engaged, motivated and solution oriented
  • Fluency (written and spoken) in English and Arabic
  • Ability to work under pressure, meet tight deadlines and be able to deal with last minute changes
  • Good communication and organizational skills
  • Demonstrates understanding of the local culture


  1. Contractual Terms:



  • Type of Contract:                             Consultancy Agreement
  • Start date:                                           15th of October
  • Deadline:                                            31th of December


  1. Submission:

To submit an application, please include:

  • Proof of professional establishment, i.e. company registration
  • A brief (no more than three pages) application noting in particular alternative creative responses to the scenario details outlined above and proposals for locations and settings.
  • A production timeline proposal.
  • A showreel or link to easily accessible online work samples.
  • At least one CV of the proposed Team Leader. 
  • Service fee: A signed quotation including all required details. We are expecting candidates will quote for daily rate rather than hourly rate.
  • Submission deadline: 3rd of October 2018. Relevant documents to be sent to: [email protected]


  1. Evaluation:



Applications will be evaluated on the following basis:

  1. Compliance and understanding of the terms and conditions in this RfP
  2. Technical and artistic quality of the videos submitted
  3. Studio and equipment availability
  4. Price and value for money
  5. Time effectiveness, in term of the time taken to mobilize, produce and complete post- production operations
  6. Reference checks related to some of the above evaluation points

How to apply

Please submit your cv and proposal to: [email protected]

Wednesday, 03. Oct 2018
Type of Call
Call for Participation
Intervention Sector(s):