Project: Improvement Of Development Process And Local Governance In The Municipality Of Tripoli

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Project funded by the European Union 
Terms of Reference
R_ 3B Drafting of Civic Education Program
Professional Local Expert (Independent/Body)
Project: Improvement of Development Process and Local Governance in the Municipality of Tripoli
The Municipality of Tripoli received on the 15th of January 2016  a grant from the European Union (EU) to realize the project” Improvement of Development Process and Local Governance in the Municipality of Tripoli” over a period extending to 36 months. The overall objective of the project is to improve the institutional and operational contribution to governance and development process in the Municipality of Tripoli. The Specific objectives of the project are to improve access in Bab El Tabbane, Jabal Mohsen and El Ghouraba to basic and adequate social services on a sustainable basis. All three communities will benefit from a positive impact on different levels especially on Health, Education, Job Creation and awareness levels. Five Expected results derive from the project. 
The project
The project derives from four basic facts advanced by the Municipality of Tripoli:
The local authority and civil society are in need for capacity building.
Health is a fundamental human right and should be available to all people regardless of gender, social class, ethnicity and age.
Job opportunities are very limited due to the deficiency of educational skills.
Recreational activities allowing the cohesion of the dissimilar zones allow a better synergy.
The civil war witnessed throughout many years from 80s and renewed with the Syrian crises had severe repercussions on the social fibre and the spatial structure of the town. It weakened the social cohesion and shaped the city into neighborhoods demarcated and ruled by conflicting sectarian groups. 
To tackle the hard social division, the Municipality of Tripoli rehabilitated a community center where workshops and roundtables will be organized to enhance citizenship and promote dialogue among different constituents of the local community. The subjects to be addressed could include reconciliation, trust building, negotiation, dialogue principles, social inclusion, mutual assistance and social solidarity. Many sessions, roundtables, workshops to capitalize on the theatre drama, volunteering and best practices conducted in these fields through NGOs and Civil Society organizations in the targeted neighbors will be presented, discussed and enhanced to disseminate a new culture of change and cohabitation and declaration of intent. 
The Expected Result (3) consists of implementing civic education program to enhance citizenship and promote dialogue among different constituents of the society.
For this purpose, the Municipality of Tripoli is seeking to contract a short-term local expert to perform the following tasks:
Conduct a SWOT and stakeholders analysis in cooperation with the "Partnership forum" to identify target groups to be targeted by the civic education program aiming at enhancing citizenship and promoting dialogue among different constituents of the society.
Identify the topics of the civic education program to be discussed in the sessions and roundtables such as reconciliation, trust building, negotiation, dialogue principals, social inclusion, mutual assistance and social solidarity.
Elaborate the TORs, including the identification of the background and technical requirements of the moderators needed for the sessions and roundtables regarding the civic education program.
Elaborate a relevant action plan for the civic education program.
Elaborate a draft declaration of intent aiming at disseminating of a new culture of change and cohabitation
Assist in the organization of the seminar to launch the civic education program
Start of the contract   
- The contract duration is three months and will start on the day of its signature with the Municipality of Tripoli.
- The maximum number of working days that the expert is expected to spend during the duration of his/her contract is: 8 Working Days
 - The ceiling of the contract is: 2000 Euros
Evaluation of proposals and award of the contract
Proposals will be evaluated by the concerned committee. Methodology and CV will have a grade over 80 and the financial offer will have a grade over 20. The total evaluation grade of the expert will be the sum of the two grades and over 100.
The professional local expert will report to the Project Coordinator and will coordinate his/her work with the Mayor, the activity-based committee, the steering committee and the Partnership Forum 
The following deliverables are requested from the local expert:
Report on the consultation with the Partnership Forum and the concerned committees
Report on the result of the SWOT and stakeholders analysis, and the  identification of target groups, and the topics of the civic education program. 
Report on the professional experience and skills for the choice of moderators for the sessions and roundtables regarding the civic education program.
The action plan of the civic education program.
Elaborate a draft declaration of intent aiming at disseminating of a new culture of change and cohabitation
Report on the launching seminar of the civic education program.
All above deliverables should be presented in English. A synthesis (summary) in Arabic of the deliverables should be presented as well to the Municipality.
Education/Professional experience and skills
The candidate should have an academic formation, preferably in social sciences, in addition to a minimum of 5 years of experience in the fields of needs assessment and stakeholder analysis, and in the development of community related civic education programs. S/he should be well knowledgeable of Tripoli context and highly experienced in communication and reporting skills.
Fluency in both Arabic and English languages are a must (fluency in French is an additional asset).
Submission  of proposals 
Interested experts are invited to submit their proposals in two components, a technical part and a financial part. Each of the two components should be placed inside a separate sealed envelope showing on the outside the title of the component (Technical or Financial). The two envelopes containing the technical and financial parts should be placed inside one main envelope. The main envelope should be submitted sealed and should show on the outside just the project name as follows:  
Project: Improvement of Development Process and Local Governance in the Municipality of Tripoli
Any other sentence, mark, sign or logo shown on the outside of the main envelope that may refer to the identity of the expert presenting the proposal will lead to discarding the proposal. 
The technical proposal should contain:
- Name and Coordinates of the expert presenting the proposal. 
- Copy of the registration of the expert at the Lebanese Ministry of Finance. 
- The Expert CV that highlights the expertise needed in the TORs.
- An elaborated methodology of work (maximum 5 pages) where the expert explains the approach s/he will undertake to implement the proposed tasks. 
- A Gantt chart of the proposed schedule of activities.
- In case the applicant is a CSO , a complete file showing that the CSO is  working in the targeted area, together with a detailed proposal, report of its activities in the same field of activity proposed in the action and a financial report for the past three years should be attached also to the proposal.  
The financial proposal should contain:
- A financial offer including the expert expected dues for the whole intervention in Euros 
All proposals should reach the Municipality of Tripoli, Tall Square, Tripoli-Lebanon not later than 
12:00 noon of day …28./1./2017
All requests for clarifications, should be addressed in writing by e-mail to the following mail address: [email protected] 
Proposals sent by e-mail will be discarded.
Settlement of the expert dues
The expert's dues will be settled, after receipt and acceptance of his/her deliverables and against an invoice submitted to the Municipality of Tripoli at the end of his/her contract. 



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
12 Jan, 2017
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Contract Type:
Full Time
Period of Employment:
Salary Range:
Education Degree:
No Degree Required
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language: