Evaluation Of The Project “Reduction And Mitigation Of Gender Based Violence Among Syrian Refugees In Lebanon”

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Candidates interested in submitting a proposal should request the full Request for Proposal (RFP) from the following email address:
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The deadline for submitting a proposal is: 1 November 2017.

Contact Person Name: 
Abida Swati
Contact Person Email: 

Terms of Reference for
Evaluation of the project “Reduction and Mitigation of Gender Based Violence among Syrian refugees in Lebanon”, Norwegian Church Aid

Background information

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) started its response to protect, prevent and provide services to survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Lebanon in November 2015. The primary target group is GBV survivors and women and girls at risk from the refugee, primarily Syrian, and Lebanese host communities. The project is implemented in partnership with the Lebanese Civil Society Organization ABAAD. Activities include psychosocial support in form of safe shelters and spaces, a helpline, legal counselling and psychotherapy. Further it includes activities on public awareness raising, community outreach, advocacy with key government stakeholders and strengthening of coordination and various governmental and civil society actors’ frontline capacity to identify and respond to GBV.
For an independent evaluation of the project “Reduction and Mitigation of Gender-Based Violence among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon”, NCA will recruit an external consultant or consultant team. The project implementation period is 15 November 2015 to 31 December 2017 with a total budget of NOK 12,7 million. Funding has been provided by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) under the cooperation agreement on Reduction of Gender-Based Violence in Conflicts and Post-Conflict Settings and NCA’s own collected funds.
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is an International Non-Governmental Organization with head office in Oslo, Norway. It provides humanitarian assistance and long-term development in around 20 countries around the world, often in close cooperation with local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). NCA is certified under the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS), and as such committed to international standards and principles for humanitarian aid, including Sphere and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. In the Middle East, NCA has since July 2016 had a regional representation in Amman, Jordan, responsible for all its programmatic activities in the region.
ABAAD is a Lebanese not-for-profit and not politically or religiously affiliated CSO. It seeks to promote women’s equality and participation through policy development, legal reform, gender mainstreaming, the engagement of men, by eliminating discrimination and by empowering women to participate fully in their communities.
Project information: The overall goal of the project covering six regions of Lebanon is to: “Ensure a better quality of life for women and children survivors of GBV through contributing to improved protection, prevention and service provision. To achieve this goal, the project focuses on four outcomes, namely:

Outcome 1: Women and girl survivors are protected in a safe environment and have improved access to quality and inclusive services.

Outcome 2: The protective and preventive environment against GBV has improved.

Outcome 3: GBV service providers have improved capacity to provide quality GBV services and to coordinate.

Outcome 4: Networking, quality and accountability of project implementation have been safeguarded by NCA’s humanitarian response program.

The target is to reach at least 27,500 women, men, boys and girls (60% Syrian and 40% Lebanese) through a multi-sectoral approach on protection and psychosocial support services to women GBV survivors, while at the same time contributing to the prevention of GBV through sensitizing communities and engaging men and boys. Project activities includes:

Provision of GBV related support services to survivors i.e. women and their children at ABAAD’s safe houses (shelters) and spaces.

GBV related community awareness activities for women and children, as well as men and male youth in remote areas with restricted access to existing GBV services and safe houses.

Psycho-therapy sessions for men at Men Centers.

National 16 Days of Activism Campaign (2016) at national and community levels.

National GBV tools and capacity building for NGO members of the GBV sector in Lebanon

Capacity building of public service institutions including members of the Internal Security Forces.

Quality assurance and capacity development activities conducted by NCA.

Contract Purpose and Expected Results
The overall objective of the evaluation is to: “Document and report on the achievement of results, intended and not-intended, of project activities as a part of organizational learning and NCA’s accountability to both target populations and donors”.

a. Evaluate to which extent;

The project was designed in a way that was relevant and appropriate to the context and the needs of the target group?

The project adhered to international standards and guiding principles for GBV programming, and how it compares with current best practices or may contribute to such best practices?

The survivors assisted have been able to overcome the situation and/or experience of GBV.

The survivors’ changed or improved situation has been sustained for the women supported in 2016.

The men’s groups have contributed to sustained changed attitudes and behaviours towards family members as well as GBV survivors in their communities?

Awareness raising and outreach campaigns have contributed to changing the attitude of the community and the GBV survivors’ preparedness to access services and assistance?

The project has been implemented in accordance with its overall intention and in accordance with the approved results-framework.

Cross-cutting issues have been taken into account for the project implementation.

Results-frameworks and MEAL tools have sufficiently captured the impact and results of the project.

Risks as described in the project risk matrix have been addressed.

NCA’s capacity building and quality assurance have been adequate.

b. Provide constructive recommendations for future programming including;

How to improve relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of activities including which project activities should be continued, changed, strengthened or added.

Better integration of cross-cutting issues into project activities.

The relevance and adequacy of the results-frameworks including its structure of outcomes and outputs and related indicators, target group numbers and MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) tools.

Improvements needed for NCA’s accompaniment throughout the project cycle including for quality assurance, monitoring and capacity development.

The integration of best practices and lessons learned in future projects.

The consultant is expected to further develop in the inception report, relevant research methodologies and questions addressing the project’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and connectedness.

Assumptions related to the viability of this evaluation and consultancy include:

Both GBV survivors and men assisted by the project is willing to be interviewed/reply to a questionnaire.

Interviews with GBV survivors and men can take place in a safe setting and with full respect for each individual’s right to confidentiality.

The security situation in Lebanon remains stable.

Scope of Services
The scope of services includes all aspects of an external evaluation from development and planning of research methodologies to data collection and analysis, and reporting on findings. The evaluation will be carried out in Lebanon and will include visits to ABAAD’s head office in Beirut as well as to one or two Mid-Way Houses, three to five Women and Girls safe spaces and one men’s centre in two to three regions of Lebanon. In addition the consultant is expected to make interviews amongst primarily women and men assisted by the program in 2016. It will cover project activities implemented by ABAAD and NCA’s regional office in Amman, Jordan, during the period 15 November 2015 to 31 December 2017. For more information on the nature of project activities see above under point 1 Project information.

Evaluation principles
For the evaluation, the consultant is expected to taking into account the following ethical considerations:

Openness of information given, to the highest possible degree to all parties.

Public access to the results when there are no special considerations against this

Broad participation of interested parties

Reliability and independence

WHO Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies

GBV guiding principles; confidentiality, safety, respect, non-discrimination

The evaluation is expected to generate significant learning for ABAAD and NCA. Hence the consultant is expected to develop an approach combining both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, relevant to the overarching purpose and research questions. Research methodologies may include desk reviews, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, beneficiary satisfaction surveys, observations and case studies and should take into consideration the need for triangulating data.
Key milestones and expected deliveries:

Inception report: This should include amongst others, the data collection and analysis methodologies, the selection and training of enumerators – if needed, tools proposed and the respective timeline to achieve the objectives stated above. It should include descriptions of equipment to be employed, check lists, questionnaires and reporting formats.

Progress report: This should be issued at the end of or just after the data collection. It should describe any challenges encountered that may affect the data quality and analysis, and hence the result of the evaluation.

Draft report: This should include description of methodology, limitations and challenges faced, findings and recommendations (see purpose of evaluation above), and finally conclusions. It should also include the terms of reference, data collection tools and references/sources of information.

Presentation: Before the final report is issued, the consultant should organize a presentation to NCA and partner staff. The aim of this presentation is to receive feedback on findings and preliminary conclusions and recommendations.

Final report: The final report is to be submitted after feedback has been received and integrated into the draft report. The final report should be delivered in 5 hard copies and a soft copy on an USB stick or CD ROM. In addition, all datasets produced during the course of the consultancy, should be provided in a CSV compatible file.

Core Tasks
By date:
Scoping meeting with NCA in Beirut, Lebanon:
· Detailed briefing on the partners’ projects.
· Meeting with ABAAD, NCA’s partner organization in Beirut.
· Detailed briefing on the outcome related to NCA’s quality assurance (including through skype).
· Receive documentation on the projects and the outcome related to quality assurance.
· Discuss way forward based on the methodology.
Desk Review
· Review of project documentation including proposals, budgets, log frames and partner reports.
· Review NCA’s quality assurance processes.
Milestone 1: Inception report
· Please see above under point 1): Key milestones and expected deliveries by the Contractor
Data collection:
· Data collection as per agreed methodology, tools and schedule.
· All data collected should be referenced by geographic location.
Milestone 2: Progress report:
· Please see above under point 2): Key milestones and expected deliveries by the Contractor.
Data analysis
· Data cleaning and analysis
Milestone 3: Draft report
· Please see above under point 3): Key milestones and expected deliveries by the Contractor.
Feedback on draft report
· NCA will provide a first feedback on the report.
Milestone 4: Presentation in Beirut:
· Please see above under point 4): Key milestones and expected deliveries by the Contractor.
Milestone 5: Final report and submission of datasets to NCA:
· Please see above under point 5): Key milestones and expected deliveries by the Contractor.

Timing, logisitics and facilities

The aim is to start the evaluation assignment on 20 November 2017 with the draft report submitted by 31 December 2017. Field work will take place in Lebanon as described above under point 4: Scope of services.
During the assignment, the consultant will report to the Area Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting (PMER) Coordinator. In addition, NCA’s Programme Coordinator for Lebanon and Central Syria will provide logistical and coordination support.
The consultant will be expected to make her/his/their own arrangements for accommodation, office facilities, and if necessary, translation from Arabic to English during the evaluation.


The final report is to be provided in English. It should contain at least the following sections (not exhaustive):

Executive summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations;

Introduction and context background to the evaluation;

Description of the Methodology with Evaluation questions, methodologies and approach, scope, constraints, and limitations;

Description of the project objectives evaluated;

Data collection and analysis;

Key findings and conclusions;

Recommendations for future programming to be implemented by NCA including NCA’s added value to the partner with respect to amongst others quality assurance and capacity development.

Annexes to be included are: The agreed Terms of Reference (ToR), work plan, data collection instruments and protocols, databases and references to sources of information for both qualitative and quantitative data.
The final report in English is to be delivered in 5 hard copies and a soft copy on an USB stick or CD ROM. In addition, all datasets produced during the course of the consultancy, should be provided in a CSV compatible file.


The evaluation shall be conducted by an individual consultant or a team of consultants with experience from Gender Based Violence programs in conflict affected areas. Experience with the Non-Governmental sector including relevant terminology and concepts for amongst others results-frameworks, accountability, quality assurance and cross cutting issues is expected. If a team, the ideal composition is one expert with international exposure, and one with in-depth knowledge about the Lebanese context, including of approaches related to protection, prevention and service provision to GBV survivors.
Specific qualifications:

Demonstrated research skills and documented experience with evaluation of GBV programs/projects including with various research methodologies including qualitative data collection and analysis on sensitive subjects.

At least one team member with minimum seven years of experience with GBV program management including with community based approaches.

Sound understanding of the underlying ethical principles of GBV programming as well as quality standards.

At least one team member with extensive knowledge about GBV-programming and successful approaches for survivors of in particular Sexual Gender-Based Violence and other forms of violence as a consequence of conflicts and displacements.

Solid understanding of results-based frameworks, theory of change and MEAL tools.

Knowledge about the Lebanese context and the current situation of refugees in the country.

Insight into legal aspects of GBV programming and multi-stakeholder programs in Lebanon is desirable.

Proficiency in written and oral English, and knowledge of Arabic is an advantage.

Able and willing to travel to the field.

Selection Process

The consultant/consultant team will be selected on the basis of an assessment of both the technical proposal and the financial offer. The financial offer has to be presented as a detailed budget disclosing all relevant costs. The proposal should include as a minimum:

A description of proposed evaluation/research methodologies including corresponding sampling techniques, target groups and sizes.

A time plan for the evaluation in accordance with table in point 4 above.

A reference list of previous clients including a short description of similar assignments completed in the region as well as contact details of references.

Copies of Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of the proposed consultant team members. The composition of the team should take into consideration the points described under particularly points 2, 4 and 7. It will be considered an advantage if the consultant team includes members from both genders.

If the consultant is a registered company, a copy of the registration.

A financial offer with a detailed breakdown of costs.



Daleel Madani, the civil society network, serves as a platform for organisations to post their professional opportunities, but is not involved in the recruitment process. The hiring organisation is solely responsible for the job and candidate selection.

Last modified: 
23 Oct, 2017
Intervention Sector(s):
Application Deadline:
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Contract Type:
Period of Employment:
Salary Range:
Education Degree:
No Degree Required
Education Degree Details:
Experience Requirements:
Arabic Language:
English Language:
French Language: