Since 2012, Trócaire has responded to the unfolding crisis in Syria, working with local partners (in Lebanon and Syria), to provide much needed humanitarian assistance to people affected by the crisis. Programming has included the provision of food and non-food items, shelter, psychosocial support, and protection.

Trócaire is currently seeking to strengthen our capacity to manage the programme and support partner organisations (in Lebanon and Syria), with a specific focus on finances and financial management.

This consultancy contract will have a dual role of reviewing programme expenditure reporting from partners, as well as advising partner organisations on financial management. While it’s necessary to have assurance surrounding the level of financial controls and reporting in the organisation, Trócaire also places a strong emphasis on supporting partners’ capacity as required.

Specific objectives of this consultancy:

1. Review programme expenditure reporting

2. Assess and review procurement activities

3. Appraise financial management and advise/support strengthening as appropriate

4. Support and advise on budget development

Complete Terms of Reference for this post is attached. Deadline for applications is Monday 30th May, 5pm (Ireland) being 7pm (Lebanon). Applications to [email protected]

Monday, 30. May 2016
Type of Call
Intervention Sector(s):