"killing Of Women In The Name Of ‘Honour’: An Evolving Phenomenon In Lebanon"

A one - day expert group meeting called for by the UN special rapporteur on VAW Ms. Rashida Manjoo was convened in the UNFPA New York headquarters on Wednesday October 12, 2011. Sixteen experts from different corners of the globe presented papers that portrayed the regional idiosyncrasies of manifestations, root causes and consequences of gender - motivated killings (femicide and feminicide). Besides papers that presented concepts and related conceptual challenges, the presentations covered selected countries from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, South East Asia, Canada and Europe. Following is the paper presented by Azza Charara Baydoun, professor of Social psychology (Lebanese University) and researcher in women and gender issues.

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Publishing Date: 
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
Human Rights & Protection
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