Palestinian Refugees From Syria In Lebanon - A Needs Assessment

Palestinian refugees in Syria have attempted to remain neutral in the civil conflict, which began in March 2011, but they have increasingly been pulled into and affected by the conflict. Palestinian refugees entering Lebanon from Syria have particular needs and vulnerabilities vis-à-vis the general Syrian refugee population. Drawing on its mission of 45 years to serve Palestinian refugees in the Middle East, ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid) has been monitoring and responding to the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria. The refugee numbers now surpass 30,000. ANERA conducted the assessment to identify the specific needs of this sub-population and to compile accurate baseline data on which to base our response in coordination with other organizations.
In January 2013, ANERA partnered with the National Institute of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT) to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The assessment focused on a sampling of 669 households of Palestinian refugees from Syria (PRS) within and outside nine Palestinian refugee camps across Lebanon. For each household, a questionnaire was completed based on interviews with heads of households. 

American Near East Refugee Aid
Publishing Date: 
Friday, 1 February 2013
Resource Type: 
Studies and Reports
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