Expanding A Civic Education Model To Promote Active Citizenship And Civic Spaces Among Lebanese School Students

The project aims at providing an educational model to promote the principles of active citizenship and local participation and enhance youth

Overall Objectives: 
Creating and training a team of youth to act as facilitators in the ensuing summer camp. Training a team of trainers who will in turn train a group of teachers in order to administer PC in schools. Creating links between students in religiously segregated schools Raising concern among stakeholders, educational bodies, and civil society on the importance of a proper civic education curriculum in Lebanese schools. Strengthening the idea of constitutional, parliamentary and state institutions by focusing on the importance of public policies and the ability of citizens to influence them.
Trainings of trainers (TOT) and teachers trainings on the project at hand Students showcase of the achieved project
Start Date
Sat, 01/11/2008 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations