Clinic For Prosthetics And Orthopedics

The clinic has the following sections:
-Scanning and diagnosing artificial limbs using the latest technology
-Fabricating artificial limbs using the CADCAM system, a new technology to fabricate artificial limbs using the computer. (Lately the clinic started fabricating the electronic hand
-Fitting the artificial limbs
-Treatment and follow-up
The clinic also has a foot scanner which provides a dynamic, weight-bearing computerized assessment of the biomechanics of a person s feet.
The clinic also secures medical products for the patients such as Braces, Spine Braces for scoliosis, Insoles and orthopedic shoes, Splints, Medical Stockings

Overall Objectives: 
To secure good quality prosthetics and orthopedics to patients and ensure that a fair price is given to those who can not pay the high cost.
Diagnosis of patient situation, fabrication of prosthetics, follow up and training for patients
Start Date
Sat, 01/01/1983 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Harika Center for medical equipment