Market Development Of Organic Agriculture In Lebanon

As national platform for organic agriculture, ALOA benefits from support for the strengthening of the organic movement to facilitate lobbying, networking and promotion of organic agriculture. The project also offers trainings to market players, support to pilot projects, and information-sharing regarding marketing of organic produce.

Overall Objectives: 
- Empowerment and strengthening of the Lebanese organic sector. - Support cooperation of organic stakeholders in ALOA
- Awareness-building and promotion of organic agriculture - Development of the Organic Directory for Lebanon - Publication of a Newsletter for the organic sector in Lebanon - Coordination of market related topics - Support in organization and support of Organic Marketing Initiatives
Start Date
Sat, 01/01/2005 - 2:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Collaboration with UCODEP for raising awareness on organic agriculture in Lebanon.<br> Support to organic marketing initiatives, of which the women