By virtue of its acknowledgment of the

Overall Objectives: 
- To provide schooling support programs in order to put an end to school drop-outs and prevent their early integration into the labor market. - To prepare every child for an active life, by giving him the opportunity to assume a role that fits his own competences, as well as his intellectual and physical capacities, and by empowering him through computer sessions, reading spaces, cluster meetings and peer-to-peer dialogues. - To provide different expressions and to work on the empowerment of women and children, in terms of skills development (contact and communication
- Extracurricular sessions for children. - Seminars for parents (on health, education and social awareness)> - Training volunteers who work with children. - Environmental and historical trips.
Start Date
Mon, 15/10/2007 - 3:00am
Project Status
Project Timeframe
Intervention Sector(s):
Project Location:
Collaboration with Other Organisations
Arab NGO network: training of administrators and volunteers. <br> Hariri Foundation/ Saida: Training sessions and financial support for social activities. <br> Ard El Bachar Foundation: Illetracy programs.<br> The Lebanese Union for Child Care: training sessions for administrators and kindergarten teachers.