
The Health Project Manager – South (HPM – South) has overall responsibility for the management of the team of field staff implementing PU-AMI Health projects. This includes ensuring the timeliness, high quality and effectiveness of all health activities, in accordance with the timeframe defined with the donor.
The HPM – South represents PU-AMI before partners, authorities including local municipalities and local actors and communities involved in the implementation of health projects. The HPM – South also represents PU-AMI at a regional coordination level ,e.g. Regional Health Working Groups

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Media Volunteer will assist the Median and Communication Officer / Assistant to achieve the departmental target, will cover the media activities in south Lebanon

Friday, 9 July 2021

- تشخيص الحالات الجديدة للتسجيل المدرسي
- متابعة جلسات علاجية لأولاد المراكز
- تقييم نفسي وإختبار الذكاء من مراكز الجمعية او خارجها
- تشخيص حالات الأولاد داخل مراكز الجمعية حسب الحاجة.
- إحالة الأولاد لمتابعة جلسات علاجية (حسي حركي، نفسي، نطق ) حسب حاجاتهم.
- إحالة الحالات التي تستدعي تشخيص طبي الى طبيب إختصاصي من خارج الجمعية.
- التدخل النفسي في مدارس الجمعية عند الحاجة

Thursday, 24 June 2021

يعمل العلاج الحسي حركي على تقييم وتشخيص وعلاج وتطوير كل المهارات التي لها علاقة بالمهارات الحركية ومبدأ تعزيز العلاقات بين الأوساط النفسية والفكرية والجسدية وذلك بهدف تحسين قدرات الأطفال.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

تقييم ، تشخيص، علاج ومساعدة في الوقاية من الإضطرابات المتعلقة بالنطق واللغة والتواصل المعرفي، الصوت وطلافة اللسان غيرها

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

The Health Project Manager – South (HPM – South) has overall responsibility for the management of the team of field staff implementing PU-AMI Health projects. This includes ensuring the timeliness, high quality and effectiveness of all health activities, in accordance with the timeframe defined with the donor.

Friday, 2 July 2021

The role holder is responsible for handling the accounting system, monitor expenditures, account reconciliation with the vendors/banks, and preparation of financial statements and schedules as required. In addition, the role holder is also responsible for preparing financial reports and analyses in order to facilitate Management decision-making and ensure compliance with taxation standards as well as maintain accurate stock and asset control. The incumbent shall be a professional, demonstrating advanced knowledge in the field of Finance and Accounting.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

The incumbent reports administratively to the Area Education Officer and technically to the Education Specialist (Guidance and Counseling).

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

OWS is looking for a graphic designer to work on its visual front till the end of December 2021, starting TODAY.

As our graphic designer, you will be expected to generate creative content and stunning graphics that promote increased visibility of OWS while integrating the organization’s values and effectively presenting a positive impression of the nature of OWS.

The position is open to experienced graphic designers or as a paid internship.
Position working hours include both on-site in-person as well as virtual meetings.
Residing in the South is a plus.
Salary is negotiable

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

OWS is looking for a graphic designer to work on its visual front till the end of December 2021, starting TODAY.

As our graphic designer, you will be expected to generate creative content and stunning graphics that promote increased visibility of OWS while integrating the organization’s values and effectively presenting a positive impression of the nature of OWS.

The position is open to experienced graphic designers or as a paid internship.
Position working hours include both on-site in-person as well as virtual meetings.
Residing in the South is a plus.
Salary is negotiable

Wednesday, 30 June 2021