Call for an Event planning company - ECF

About Berytech:

Berytech is a leading organization in the Entrepreneurial Eco-system in Lebanon, that aims to provide a conducive environment for the creation and development of startups, through incubation, business support, counseling, funding, networking, and company hosting, hence taking part in the economic revival of the country, participating in wealth and job creation, and retaining graduates and high-level skills in Lebanon.

About Euromed Clusters Forward:

Euromed Clusters Forward is a 4-year project that aims at establishing and improving clusters legal policies, strengthening clusters capacity & regional cooperation, and strengthening regional value chains. Berytech is the implementing partner of Euromed Clusters Forward in Lebanon, that is funded by the European Union and coordinated by Anima Investment Network with 3 implementing partners and 9 affiliates from the Euromed region

About the Academy:

Berytech is launching the EuroMed Clusters Forward in person Academy, a three-day intensive training program offering capacity building for up to 6 clusters, composed of 15+ Cluster Managers and Board Members,  to develop their financial strategies and sustainable models for their clusters. . 

The 3-day event will include many activities and logistics organization including management of transportation, venue and catering, coverage and a networking dinner. The program will be delivered in Egypt on November 26, 27, 28, 2024 and conducted in English.

Scope of work

The event planning company will work closely with Berytech during October and November 2024 for the planning and execution of the event. Focusing on:

  • Training Venue & Hotel Selection and Coordination:
    • Identify and secure an appropriate venue for hosting the training.
    • Identify and secure an appropriate hotel for all the attendees to book at.
    • Coordinate all necessary arrangements with the venue and hotel, ensuring they meets the training logistics needs of a group of 20 participants.

P.S.: it is highly recommended to secure a training venue and hotel that are located at the same site.

  • Catering Services:
    • Organize and manage catering services, including the provision of meals and refreshments for 20 participants throughout the event (including coffee breaks, breakfast, lunch and 1 networking dinner).
    • Organize and manage a VIP dinner for 25 persons.
  • Event Coverage:
    • Provide professional photo and video coverage of the event to capture key moments and highlights and a wrap up video.
  • Translation Services:
    • In case needed, arrange for translation services during the event, ensuring clear communication for all participants.
  • Transportation Coordination:
    • Coordinate transportation logistics for participants, including arranging transfers to and from the venue and other required locations, this involves airport, field visits and social outings.
  • Training Organization Logistics:
    • Oversee all logistical aspects related to the organization of training sessions, including setting up the venue, managing materials, technical logistics and internet and ensuring a smooth flow of activities.
expected deliverables

A fully coordinated event with all logistical aspects managed efficiently, ensuring a seamless experience for all participants:

  • Training Venue & Hotel Coordination:
    • Confirmed bookings of a suitable training venue and hotel (preferably same site) for 20 participants.

    • Detailed logistics arrangement with the venue and hotel, covering room setup, AV, and internet access, List of materials and logistical items.

  • Catering Services:
    • Catering plan for 20 participants (coffee breaks, breakfast, lunch).
    • Catering for a VIP dinner for 25 people.
    • Service schedules for all meals.
  • Event Coverage: Professional photo and video coverage & Delivery of edited photos and a wrap-up event video.
  • Translation Services (if needed): Confirmed translation services and schedule.
  • Transportation Coordination: Confirmed transport bookings for airport transfers, venue trips, field visits, and social outings (when needed).
  • Mid-October to end of October 2024:
    • Once selected, an introductory meeting between Berytech and the event planning company will be set to discuss the logistical needs, deadlines for securing venues, accommodations, and service providers…
    • Secure preliminary quotes and options for venue and hotel reservations and taxi and bus companies.
    • Finalize the selection of the venue and hotel with Berytech that can accommodate 20 participants and taxi and bus companies.
  • November 2024:
    • Submit the first draft of the event plan to Berytech beginning of November, including a proposed venue, hotel, catering services, transportation, and field visit schedules.
    • Then, confirm and contract all service providers (venue, hotel, catering, photographer, transportation, and translation services).
    • Finalize travel and accommodation arrangements for all participants, including airport transfers and any special requirements.
    • 25 November 2025 Review the set and all the logistics with Berytech on site.
    • 26, 27, 28 December 2024 Academy implementation.
  • Mid December 2024
    • Submit a final report to Berytech that includes a summary of the event and all the services provided.

During the whole period, Berytech will be regularly meeting with the selected event planning company.

  • Proven experience in event management and logistics coordination in Egypt.
  • Ability to manage all aspects of the event, including venue selection, catering, transportation, and event coverage.
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to work with different stakeholders on tight deadlines.
  • Access to a high network of suppliers relevant to the scope of work (photographers, hospitality, catering, logistics, transportation…)

How to apply

To apply, please submit your proposal (technical and financial divided as per the scope of work above), agenda of activities, along with your resume and work/ project portfolio by email to: [email protected] before October 6, 2024, BoD with the subject: In Person Academy Event planning in Egypt.

The Application should include:

  • Technical proposal describing the methodology, timeline, names of potential suppliers.
  • Financial proposal describing the costs incurred in preparing and organizing the academy. The financial proposal shall be quoted in EURO.
  • Portfolio of the events previously organized and CVs of the individuals involved in the mission.

The shortlisted candidates will be contacted by Mid-October 2024.

آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 09. أكتوبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التنسيق وإدارة المعلومات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1.5 month