Success Story- Yalla for Employment and Protection Project


Asmae-Association Soeur Emmanuelle ("Asmae") is a French international NGO and registered charity, specialised in the education and protection of vulnerable children. Independent, secular and apolitical, it is open to all. Founded in 1980 by Sister Emmanuelle, based on her experience with rag pickers in the slums of Cairo, Asmae continues its actions in line with the values and methods inherited from its founder: listening and proximity, pragmatism, taking account of differences, professionalism and reciprocity. Asmae's actions aims to support vulnerable children and their families through personalised and continuing support for local actors working in the fields of education and child protection.

About AFD Project

Project location: Burj Hammoud, Khandak Al Ghaneek, Zokak Al Bolat, Karantina, sayfi, Marmkhyel, Jemayzeh.

Project duration: 36 months

Start date: January 2022

Expected end date: January 2025

Strengthening the capacities of two local partners to Improve the socio-economic situation of youth affected by Beirut Blasts including protection services Specific objectives:

  • Fostering better socio-economic opportunities for youth affected by the Beirut blasts through skills development
  • Ensuring youth are protected by providing PSS and life skills services
  • Strengthening the organizational and technical capacities of two local organizations


  • Develop the shooting schedule and questionnaires in close coordination with Asmae and Partner
  • Translation and subtitling of the final approved documentary (English)
  • Work closely with Asmae staff to capture to discuss the footage they require and how they want to use them.
  • Carry out research and preparation for a shoot;
  • Work in different locations and in different circumstances to get the right image or footage;
  • Use an extensive range of technical equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting and specialist
  • software;
  • Arrange still life objects, products, scenes and backgrounds;
  • Digitally enhance footage as necessary in order to optimize impact


  • University degree (Bachelor degree or equivalent) in Arts, graphics/Animation and design or related fields
  • Minimum five years of demonstrable excellent experience and skills with regards to designing effective communication products, including film production
  • Expertise in use of image, video and animation editing software
  • Up to date with industry leading software and technologies
  • Professionalism in dealing with a wide range of possible stakeholders.
  • Cultural sensitivities especially in the refugee’s camps.
  • Good understanding of the various audiences of INGOs’ communication products highly Preferable
  • Ability to meet strict deadlines
  • Fluent in Arabic and English writing and speaking
  • Similar experience with other NGO, proof of portfolio.



How to apply

Interested candidate should send the following detailed documents at [email protected] with the subject line (Offer for video Production-YEP) no later than May 23rd.

The submitted application has to contain technical and financial offers as follows;

  1. Technical offer including;
  • Both the portfolio and CV are required in order to prove the standard of quality and experience of the individual consultant/firm’s previous work.  
  • Sample script for the documentary.
  • Detailed time-framed work plan ( please refer to the attached TOR)
  1. Financial offer including;
  • Detailed budget (Max of 3000 Euro) including daily fee and breakdown of expenses. *The financial offer should be in gross amount including all taxes.

Applications received after the deadline and/or incomplete applications will be disregarded

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 24. مايو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب, حقوق الإنسان والحماية