LRPS-2024-9192153-LTAs for Risk & Financial Management Support for New Fund Modality, TREF, for the Lebanese Education Sector

While MEHE will prepare the program budgets and payment requests with all payment details, UNICEF will execute payments directly to beneficiaries through existing and authorized financial service providers. The TP will perform ex ante and ex post due diligence and verification actions. Also, the TP will conduct capacity building activities for the central, regional and school-level financial management function and more specifically support schools in issuing regular school-level financial reports. The IST, which reports to the DGE, will support MEHE staff in meeting TREF requirements and translate them into internal MEHE procedures.

For the second funding window, UNICEF executes payments directly to beneficiaries (i.e. around 200 private school accounts). The payment items consist of lump sum to each school including enrolments, and support cost for operational and administration.

The key responsibility of the Third Party is to implement the relevant procedures of the Operational Handbook[1] of TREF in accordance with the UNICEF-MEHE Agreement and the Bilateral Agreements between UNICEF and the Contributing Partners. The responsibilities apply to both TREF funding windows.

UNICEF will be responsible for oversight of the program and processing of payments to beneficiaries in line with donor conditions while the company´s responsibility will be to review and verify data and financial management in line with the details in this TOR and perform capacity development interventions at central and school level.

UNICEF education section chief will be responsible for the overall management of the program while the TP will be working directly under the supervision of the education manager.


How to apply

Submission deadline has been extended for one week until 12:00h; 09.09.2024.

Reply to received queries attached

UNICEF Lebanon would like to tender for establishing Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for Risk & Financial Management Support for New Fund Modality, TREF, for the Lebanese Education Sector as stipulated in the LRPS. Hence, I am writing to invite you for Invitation to Bid  No. (LRPS-2024-9192153)


You are kindly requested to quote your best price and submit your proposal by e-mail ONLY to: [email protected] not later than 12:00h, 09 September 2024; otherwise it will be considered invalid.


Proposals should be sent by email ONLY to [email protected] in two separate emails not later than 12:00h, 09 September 2024: one email for the technical proposal and one email for the financial proposal.

- Email for technical proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- technical proposal. The email must include: The technical proposal only without prices.

- Email for price proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- price proposal. The email must include: The price proposal.


The reference LRPS-2024-9192153 must be shown in the e-mail's subject.

Proposals sent in another manner will be invalid.


Please note that any inquiries related to this request will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY ([email protected] & [email protected]) and will not be considered through phone calls.

 Kindly make sure that the e-mail mentions the LRPS reference number: LRPS 2024-9192153.



  1. Terms of Reference
  2. LRPS

Please confirm receiving this email and your intention to bid.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 09. سبتمبر 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
سياسات الأعمال والاقتصاد, التعليم, بحوث ودراسات