Mentorship Program for a Syndicate in Tripoli

Context & Background

LLWB has launched the project ‘Supporting Women on Board of Syndicates, Universities, and Board of Organizations’, in partnership with the British Embassy. The aim of the project is to address the challenges of women participation in decision-making positions and to facilitate and increase female representation on the boards of syndicates, universities, and organizations, promoting gender equality and diversity in decision-making positions.

50 women from an organization in Tripoli will be trained on women leadership and decision making and will enhance their skills and knowhow on gender equality.

Scope of work

LLWB is looking for an expert to identify and select 5 women out of the 50 from an organization in Tripoli to run for future decision-making positions.

An application form should be developed and prospect applicants wishing to assume future decision-making roles will be invited to apply to benefit from mentorship from the experts. Selection criteria will be developed so that those women selected will have the right competencies and skills to assume future positions. This will include a motivation letter, current and previous experience, number of years registration within the entity to be at least 2, the objective of assuming future decision-making roles. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed, 5 will be selected to partake in the mentorship program to empower them to run for decision-making positions.

The mentorship will be a mix of focused training and one on one tailored coaching and mentorship between the beneficiaries and expert.  Before launching the mentorship program each beneficiary will have a personalized assessment of her needs in terms of leadership and decision-making skills and competencies. The objective of the mentorship is primarily to support the beneficiaries run for decision-making positions and find solutions to gender-related challenges within the institution. The mentorship will also focus on how to run for office from setting strategies, making, or joining coalitions, campaigning and assuming leadership roles.

Expected Deliverables

  • Application form to be developed to select 5 women.
  • A brief assessment report on each of the 5 selected women will be conducted to better tailor the mentoring sessions.
  • Conduct 5 in-person sessions of 2-3 hours each with each of the 5 selected women.
  • Pre-Post Evaluation Test for each of the 5 selected women.

How to apply


To apply, please submit your resume and proposal by email to [email protected]  by 29 January, 2024. In the subject of the email mention the title "Mentorship Program -for a Syndicate in Tripoli". Your financial proposal should specify the rate.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 29. يناير 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: