Private Policy Dialogue Expert in Lebanon/ Egypt- ECF project


Berytech, the leading entrepreneurship institution in Lebanon and a key regional player, brings 20 years of experience and successful local and regional track records in building and managing a dynamic entrepreneurship ecosystem for the creation and development of novel businesses. Berytech has a current portfolio of more than 30 pioneer innovation programs ranging from competitions to capacity building, acceleration, incubation, access to finance, and access to markets in addition to initiatives to empower ecosystems, on a local and regional scale, in various sectors such as agriculture and food, water, energy, clean technology, green entrepreneurship and circular economy, and social entrepreneurship, all involving ICT and new technologies.

Berytech is the Lebanese partner of the European Union funded Euromed Clusters Forward project. The overall objective of Euromed Clusters Forward is to empower clusters to promote inclusive innovation and competitiveness in the South Neighbourhood region to enhance growth, economic diversification, sustainable development, and employment.  

This specific assignment falls under Fostering policies for clusters development and collaboration, with the aim of improving the clusters regulatory framework and the incentives of collaboration among the quintuple innovation helix stakeholders to enhance the firms’ performances and their competitiveness. Countries of focus: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

This ToR is intended for consulting firms, consultants, and experts specializing in the areas of advocacy and policymaking for clusters in 1 or 2 of the following countries:

  • Component 1: Lebanon
  • Component 2: Egypt

Public-private dialogue context:

Euromed Clusters Forward intends to conduct in each of the 7 ECF eligible countries a public-private dialogue associating all the stakeholders involved in Cluster subject and leading to the adoption of specific provisions at public authorities’ level including concrete mechanisms to support clusters and collaborative projects.

 Euromed Clusters Forward conducted the following:

A mapping of south Mediterranean clusters, Diagnostic survey: “Clusters in the MENA Region: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities”, A study benchmarking cluster institutional frameworks and “The cluster policy toolbox”.

In addition to these resources as preliminary elements for policy dialogue and advocacy action, ECF is preparing 2 regional meetings to present the final outputs of the mapping, diagnostic and the benchmark studies. These meetings will allow to start the national policy dialogue with a common basis of knowledge regarding cluster landscape in the region.

Objectives of the assignment:


  • Mobilization of the national stakeholders involved in the public-private Cluster policy dialogue.
  • Implementation of the public-private dialogue activities by giving a clear method and guidance.
  • Conducting the public-private dialogue dynamic all along its process..
  • Creation of recommendations and actions based on the public-private policy dialogue using Key Performance Indicators.
  • Secure the interest of a ministry or public authority to implement the recommended measures
  • Formulation of the technical assistance mission’s terms of references.

Scope of Work:

Building on diagnostic, benchmarking and mapping studies, and a series of recommendations prepared during the regional meeting, the expert is expected to prepare and prepare action plan of the national policy dialogue leading to a technical assistance mission on a measure collectively identified as a priority by the stakeholders involved.

This work shall include the following activities and steps:

  • Understand & assess the institutional environment
  • Identify the key policy and advocacy players
  • Mobilize and on-board the cluster ecosystem stakeholders
  • Collect relevant materials
  • Present the status quo to stakeholders
  • Build the execution plan of the policy dialogue
  • Build the Terms of Reference for Technical Assistance at National Level
  • Ensure proper communication and monthly reporting to Berytech

Please Download the Attached TOR and RFP to view all the needed details for the scope of work, process, deliverables, Timeline, budget, scoring eligibilty etc...

How to apply

Candidates should submit the following documents:

  • Profile: A detailed curriculum vitae highlighting the experience of the expert(s) in the fields relevant to the consultancy assignment, as well as his/her/their references.
  • Technical Proposal: A technical proposal including a description of the methodology used to achieve the expected results and a timeline of activities related to the deliverables and scope of work.
    • Experts/ consulting firms may submit applications for either Lebanon, or Egypt, or both components, provided their expertise covers both countries.
  • Financial Proposal: A financial offer including all the costs (in man-days) and a breakdown per deliverable. Financial offer must be sent in EUR.

Offers must be sent via Email attachements locked with a password to [email protected] . The Password shall be sent separately to: [email protected] alone,  with the subject “ECF – Public-Private Policy Dialogue in Lebanon and/or Egypt”, by December 9th, 2023, at the latest.


The header of the technical and financial offers must clearly note the candidate information (Name, address, country, telephone, email and fiscal identity number or other official number) and those of the Contractor: Berytech Foundation, Constitution notices 26/AD, MOF #1429230, P.O. Box: 11-7503 Riad el Solh, Beirut, Lebanon.

The maximum amount per offer is EUR 40,000 per country including:

  • 75 days of expertise
  • 1 Event gathering 40 stakeholders including logistics
  • Travel missions when needed

If you have questions concerning this ToR, please contact: [email protected]; and [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
السبت, 09. ديسمبر 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 Year