Open Local Tender Publication / TDHI-PROMOSSO-2023-02 / Supply of stationary goods
Object of the Agreement: Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon (hereinafter referred to as TDH IT) is looking to sign a frame-work agreement with a qualified supplier to supply stationary items and deliver them to various locations in Lebanon.
Selection and Awarding Criteria: The evaluation team shall review and evaluate the Financial and Technical Bids separately on the basis of their responsiveness to the requirements and technical specifications, and the other documentation required/provided:
TDH IT will conduct the evaluation solely on the basis of the Bids received, noting that the winning bidder knowingly making false information - whether in the tender or email communication will constitute false misrepresentation that will lead to financial penalties and/or termination of contract. Evaluation of Bids shall be undertaken in the following steps:
Essential Criteria (Pass/ Fail):
Criteria which bidders must meet in order to progress to the next round of evaluation. If a bidder does not meet any of the Essential Criteria, they will be excluded from the tender process immediately. These criteria are scored as ‘Pass’ / ‘Fail’.
- Original documents duly signed and stamped (Tender dossier / Eligibility declaration / tender registration form / financial offer (separate file)
- Legal Status including Bidder Registration in Country, Certificate of registration/incorporation, Tax and VAT Compliance.
- Conflict of Interest.
- Bid Validity period.
- Delivery of samples
- Matching delivery terms (within 5 days after signing of PO)
- Ability to deliver to all locations (Souk Ghareb, Jbeil, Baabda, Beirut)
- Table of description
- Financial offer in excel sheet (Annex 1 – Financial offer)
- Package including samples of all listed items within the BOQ
Evaluation of Quality Phase: (Criteria A, weight 30%)
Based on quality check per item (Criteria A1, weight 30%)
Bids having more than 10% of items evaluated as rejected will be considered ineligible.
Bids must have a minimum score of 18 over 30 in the technical evaluation phase in order to pass to the financial evaluation phase.
Evaluation of Financial Phase: Criteria B, weight 70%)
Bidder’s prices should demonstrate an economically advantageous position for TDH IT;
Fixed prices for the period of the agreement/contract; preferred at least 2 years
How to apply
How to obtain the Tender – Open Local Tender dossier: The dossier will be available upon expression of interest to email , and should include subject line “Request for tender dossier – TDHI-PROMOSSO-2023-02” including the following information:
- Company name
- Contact name
- Telephone number
Last Day for requesting tender dossier: November 24, 2023 by 13:00 o’clock
Deadline for Submission of the Bids: December 1, 2023
For Enquiries:
All communication must quote “TDHI-PROMOSSO-2023-02” and sent to the following email before November 24, 2023 by 16:00 o’clock
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