Open Local Tender Publication / LBDEL0072 / Supply of Stationery Items
Contracting Authority: in the framework of its work on the Lebanese Territory, Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon (TDH IT) has received grants from its different donors UNICEF, OCHA, AICS, EU, Italian Cooperation and other private/Institutional donors, for the implementation of several humanitarian actions and intends to apply a portion of these grants to payments under a Framework agreement for the Supply of Stationery Items.
Object of the Agreement: Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon (hereinafter referred to as TDH IT) is looking to sign a Supply contract with a qualified supplier to supply Stationery Items under a long-term agreement for 2 years.
More details about the tender will be shared with the Invitation To Bid to the interested parties.
How to obtain the Tender – Open Local Tender dossier: The dossier will be available upon expression of interest to email, and should include subject line “Request for Tender – Stationery Items – LBDEL0072” including the following information:
- Company name
- Contact name
- Telephone number
How to apply
For Enquiries: All communication must quote “Stationery Items – LBDEL0072” and sent to the following email before August 6, 2024 by 16:00 hrs
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