RFQ-LBQZQ-23-0107/ Psycho-social support training of community protection structures Consultancy


Terms of References

Psycho-social support training of community protection structures



Brief presentation of the project

Under a GAC-funded project, OXFAM aims to raise the voice and role of crisis-affected population, including through support to community-based youth and women groups. The project engages and works with 12 women’s groups from the refugee community on capacity building initiatives and community initiatives as part of the community-based approach. The groups participate in a capacity needs assessment and jointly identify their training needs with the aim of improving the protection and social stability environment in their communities.



OXFAM in Lebanon is seeking PSS experts/consultants to provide trainings for 12 women’s groups from the refugee community in the Bekaa on community-based psycho-social support. The objective of the training is to enhance refugee women’s capacity for resilience and recovery to address issues such as anxiety about the future, stress, depression, isolation and antisocial behaviour, anger, self-doubt and loss of self-respect, mistrust of others and self-harm or suicide ideation. The ongoing economic crisis and the deterioration of their sense of safety have impacted women refugees specifically and affected their ability to rely on positive coping mechanisms. As part of their community initiatives, women’s groups want to reinforce solidarity mechanisms within their community and provide guidance and support to other members of the community suffering from poor mental health. The community-based psycho-social training should provide them with a basic understanding of the most prevalent mental health disorders (such as depression, anxiety and PTSD) and guide them on the use of self-help practical tools that they can use and disseminate in their community. The training should provide guidance on how to disseminate the self-help tools to their community.

3. Scope of Work, suggested methodology and deliverables:

The trainings will take place inside safe spaces tents, in informal tented settlements. Oxfam will provide transportation to training locations, either from Beirut or Zahle. Each training session can last up to 3 hours. In total, each group, composed of 12 to 15 women, aged 18 and above, should receive 15 hours of training in total.

Activity / Tasks


Consultancy days

Finalization of tools and training material

Including handouts, qualitative/quantitative tools for monitoring knowledge (baseline/endline) and impact of the training


Provision of training sessions

Facilitating training sessions (2 groups per day – 6 hours per day)


Data analysis and Reporting

Analysis of qualitative/quantitative tools and production of a training report


Total working days (level of effort)

35 Days


Selected consultant should start the work on August 25th and run it until October 15th at the latest. Expected total number of working days is 35.


Consultant/cy qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent degree/experience) in social work, psychology, or related field or equivalent experience.
  •  Experience in Psychosocial Support programming and community mobilisation.
  • Experience working directly in training, facilitation and Capacity building in MHPSS.
  • Experience in GBV programming is a plus.
  • Strong capacity in data management and statistics and compliance with data protection laws
  • Strong experience in designing and facilitating trainings.
  • Excellent knowledge of power and gender dynamics in the targeted refugee’s community.
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, and time-management skills. Able to work under pressure.
  • Excellent communications skills in English and Arabic, including advanced English writing skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and ability to establish good and effective relationships with refugee community members.


Expression of Interest (EOI)

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • Detailed CV
  • A brief proposal which includes a detailed methodology and an outline of the women’s groups’ training (title of each session, objectives and short description).
  • A budget, including the rate per day, as well as all the estimated costs including, communication and transportation.
  • Minimum of three references of similar activities implemented, preferably INGO or local NGO experiences.
  • Registration and official government documents, if applicable. Noting that 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.


Oxfam International in Lebanon reserves the right to reject any and all bids, including the bidding processes, or not to award the contract at any time, without thereby incurring and liability to the affected bidders.


Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) by to [email protected]

 by midnight on August 4th, 2023, mentioning “PSS expert” in the Subject line.



How to apply

Please submit the full application documents (as mentioned above) by to [email protected]

 by midnight on August 4th, 2023, mentioning “PSS expert” in the Subject line.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 04. أغسطس 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, حقوق الإنسان والحماية
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.