Consultant Business Development Support

1. Introduction:

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-governmental organisations in Germany operating in the humanitarian assistance and development fields. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”, one of the world’s first initiatives aimed at the eradication of hunger. Welthungerhilfe’s work is still dedicated to the following vision: All people have a right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty. By 2018, Welthungerhilfe and its partner organisations ran 404 international projects in 37 countries with an overall financing volume of EUR 184 million, comprised of private donations, public national and international funds. In addition, Welthungerhilfe operates a marketing and fundraising department in Germany to engage and educate a wider public in development-related topics and to mobilize funds from currently more than 57,000 permanent private donors. 


Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is coordinating the three-year Program, funded by the German Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ) and implemented by two partners.
Welthungerhilfe is the Lead Organization for this project being implemented with Jafra NGO in Burj Barajneh, Shatila and Khaldeh and the Lebanese Organization for Studies and Trainings (LOST) in Baalback-Hermel . Welthungerhilfe’s role is to make sure that all outcomes, outputs, and indicators of the project are reached, and that activities are implemented according to the contract/project proposal.


The purpose of the Program that Rural Lebanese communities and Syrian as well as Palestinian refugees in Baalbek-Hermel and Beirut have improved livelihoods and opportunities in the agriculture sector and social tensions are reduced.


2. Project Background:

Project “Promotion of synergies between population groups affected by the Syrian crisis to increase the profitability of vegetable and fruit value chains, create jobs and reduce social tensions in Lebanon


   3.  Overall project goal:

Rural Lebanese communities and Syrian as well as Palestinian refugees in    Baalbek-Hermel and Beirut have improved livelihoods and opportunities in the  agriculture sector and  social tensions are reduced.


    4. Project Outcomes:

  1. Agricultural producers have increased their income through the sale of improved varieties, higher quality and increased quantity of agricultural produce.
  2. Value chains are more competitive and profitable through improved capacity of actors and increased collaboration through improved linkages.
  3. Enhanced social cohesion and psychological well-being in the target communities
  4. Increased resilience of vulnerable households through targeted cash injections, skill development and improved income generation

   5. Overall objective of the assignment:

  • Monthly review of the quality of implementation (outreach, service delivery, communication, etc) and the progress (inc. indicators) of the activities related to Business Development that is being provided to MSMEs, Start-ups, COOP’s, MOA extension offices, women and farmers through: trainings, business plan development, in kind support and grants.
  • Technical capacity building of implementing partners.
  • Support the partner in the development of Business Curriculums.
  • Provide linkages with relevant stakeholders (BDS eco system actors, value chain actors,other development aganecies
  • Collect relevant cluster SOPs and make sure they are followed and respected by implementing partners (WBL work based learning, MSME Supprort, cooperative support, food basket, daily workers, etc.).


6. Methodology, Responsibilities, and deliverables:

  • Monthly review with the business coaches of our partner organizations and produce for WHH a progress report.
  • Review, develop and/or update the strategies for each component of the activities related to business development.
  • Review and validate business related training material.
  • Support the partner in selecting service provider: the consultancy firm/consultant/trainer who will do the coaching and the in-kind support assessment for the entities. Develop TORs, participate in interviews and the scoring.
  • Develop/update/review the outreach tool (and coordinate with WHH MEAL officer regarding target).
  • Be a member of the selection committee if the business development beneficiaries (coop’s, MSMEs, start-ups, etc.).
  • Support in the assessment and prioritization of the business needs of the development beneficiaries.
  • Develop pre & post assessments of knowledge transfer; analyze and validate their results.
  • Trouble shoot any administrative problems and report any challenges or bottlenecks to WHH HOP.
  • Develop in kind assessment template, evaluate the related assessment, and participate the award committee.
  • Support in developing needed tools to collect data related to project indicators; Business development component and ensuring the collection of this data (frequency and quality).
  • Provide WHH with a monthly report (that reflects the main achievements).
  • Provide his/her technical inputs for the preparation of donor reports to be submitted to WHH HOP.
  • Other assigned tasks, as necessary. 

 7. Location and duration:

  • This consultancy will be field based in the following Lebanese Regions: Baalback-Hermel, Burj Al Barajneh and Shatila Palestenian camps.
  • Duration: November 2021 until July 2022
  • 5 working days per month

 8. Qualification and experience:

  • Minimum Master’s degree or equivalent in Business Administration or Management, Marketing, or any other related field.
  • Minimum 5 years of progressive and proven experience in managing Business development support project.
  • Experience and familiarity in MSME and local economy knowledge, market, labor market, cooperative support as well as training and facilitation for staff and community groups.
  • Experience of working with value chain support project will be an asset.
  • Ability to communicate accurately and objectively under high pressure.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills in Arabic and English, including report development, writing, and editing.
  • Significant knowledge and understanding of the current political, economic, cultural and historical context of Bekaa and Palestinian refugee’s camps, including prior experience.
  • Demonstrated attention to detail; ability to follow procedures, meet deadlines and work independently as well as cooperatively with team members and consultants. Strong empathy skills and genuine care and respect for needs of others.
  • A belief in empowering marginalized and disenfranchised people without any discrimination.
  • Proven ability to understand data, data analysis and research.
  • Commitment to humanitarian principles and values
  • Non-judgmental attitude and respect for WHH partners and beneficiaries.


9. Finances:

  • Consultancy fee includes all costs related to the work. Other allowances are not paid. Full insurance coverage including emergency medical treatment is the responsibility of the consultant.
  • It is proposed to keep a certain flexibility in the time planning due to several factors like domestic travel, which are difficult to estimate. The above calculated number of days is proposed by the consultant. The consultant will only invoice the real number of days which he needed to complete all tasks.
  • The renumeration range is only a suggestion. Kindly specify your daily fees in the financial offer.


How to apply

This assignment is open to individual consultants with sound experience in Business Development and capacity building of partner organisations. Please submit a narrative proposal outlining concept (experience, time-plan, communication modalities), and a financial proposal (quotation) indicating daily rates and total fee including VAT, along with a CV that indicates the experience and qualifications. Only individual persons can apply, companies are not eligible.

Applicants have to provide:

A technical and financial offer

The technical part of the offer should include reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR. It should also include a brief description of the overall design and methodology, brief description of the tools to be used, and a workplan/adaptations to the workplan at hand (maximum 2 pages). Methodology presented will be part of the selection criteria.

The financial part includes a proposed budget. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs. Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by providing the bidder(s) tax number).

CV with references.

The bidders should submit a detailed technical and financial proposal in English with the subject ("Business Development Support") to the following email addresses:

[email protected] by no later than 17.10.2021

Questions can be directed to: lennart.lehmann(at)

Interviews will be conducted only with short-listed bidders.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 17. أكتوبر 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
سياسات الأعمال والاقتصاد, العمل وسبل العيش, التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
4000 to 5000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
November 2021 - July 2022