Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is a private, non-profit-making, politically independent and non-denominational organization that supports people living in deprivation and poverty, irrespective of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs or their worldview. WHH is working in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, relief aid, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. In Lebanon, WHH implement projects through local implementing partners with agriculture, livelihoods, food security and social stability as the main working fields.

WHH is seeking a consultant to support our 2 project consortia in adopting a comprehensive disability-inclusive strategy. One project consortium is working on a value chain support project and is being implemented by 4 partners in North/Akkar and Baalbek/Hermel Governorates. Another project consortium is working on a livelihood/women empowerment project and is being implemented by 3 local partners in the South, Nabatiyeh Governorates and in 4 Palestinians Camps (in the South and Greater Beirut).

Both projects contain the target to reach 3% people with disabilities (PWD) as project participants. However, our commitment goes beyond reaching the 3% target of disabled individuals; we aim to implement a sustainable approach that fosters a disability-sensitive environment throughout the project and achieves sustainable support and empowerment of PWD.


  • The consultant's role will encompass:
  • Delivering of a 2 days workshop:

Day 1: This session will cover key concepts like disability definition and types, inclusion principles, and relevant theoretical frameworks. Also, we want to address the best way of communication and the things to avoid when working with PWDs to improve the skills of the organization's front-liners.

Day 2: This one-day session is a collaborative/participatory workshop, that will involve consortium staff (managers and M&E personnel) alongside WHH [department/team] representatives. Working in groups, participants will review Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs) for various project phases (outreach, implementation, and assessment) to identify and implement modifications to ensure greater disability sensitivity. And provision of linkage with associations that work with PWD in the project area. Tangible recommendations and ways of enhancing the impact of the project activities on PWD are an objective/desired outcome.

  • Expected Number of attendees 20 - 25 persons
  • Workshop is to be delivered in English

Required competencies:

  • Required degree in social sciences or related topic.
  • Extensive knowledge of disability inclusion mainstreaming concepts within projects implemented with vulnerable population.
  • Experience on disability inclusion within agricultural and development projects is a plus


The consultancy should be designed to be completed in May 2024.


How to apply

You are kindly requested to provide us with an official technical and financial proposal as follow:

Technical Proposal:

  • 04. A2- Annex I Supplier Declaration (to be filled, signed and stamped), if stamp is not available Consultant / Trainer Signature is enough.
  • 05. A3 - Annex II Declaration of Impartiality and Confidentiality (to be filled, signed and stamped), if stamp is not available Consultant / Trainer Signature is enough.
  • Technical Proposal Including working Methodology
  • Consultant Resume and Cover Letter
  • Copy of Consultant ID or Passport
  • Company / establishment Registration Certificate (if any)
  • MOF Registration (if any)
  • VAT Registration (if any)

Financial Proposal:

  • Financial offer (financial breakdown for the consultancies / services will be provided)
  • 06. RFQ Form - put your Grand total for the financial offer (to be filled, signed and stamped), if stamp is not available Consultant / Trainer Signature is enough.

Please also make sure to provide Minimum information on your quotation:


  • Name, address, phone and contact person
  • Total price including 11% VAT (in case you are registered in VAT)
  • Validity of the quotation (Minimum 1 month)
  • Please consider to specify transfer fees in your RFQ (10 USD and not considered for VAT).
  • In Annex I Supplier Declaration, please insure providing too your bank details using the table below since the payment will be done via bank transfer, you can fill the below table and skip the blank in the Declaration form.

Payment will be done as following:

  • Cash payment for total invoice amount below 250 USD
  • Wire transfer for total invoice amount above 250 USD (Fresh Dollar account) within 15 - 20 days.             

Submission Deadline:

Applications should be sent to procurement.lebanon@welthungerhilfe.de  before Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 16:00 (Beirut Time)

If you need further information or clarification, contact  procurement.lebanon@welthungerhilfe.de

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 30. أبريل 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
Remuneration range:
1000 to 2000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 Days during May 2024