Expected Results


Upon completion of the programme, participants should be able to:

  • Understand institutional aspects of project conceptualization and management
  • Learn ways to design, implement, monitor, evaluate and mainstream projects,
  • Understand the PCM approach and how to use it to design and implement projects,
  • Identify and test mainstreaming opportunities,
  • Learn how to build a logical framework to link the different stages and put all the main elements into a simple plan
  • To design an effective monitoring and evaluation tool to enable them track and report results,
  • Understand some best practice techniques for project management



The training will be provided to 3 organizations mentioned above including: Officers involved in development work, Projects Managers and Grants managers. (maximum 9 participants in total)


Scope of Service:

The service provider (consultant or firm) shall deliver all the services necessary to achieve the stated objective of these exercises. The focus could be on the following areas, however the consultant could adapt his/ her own methodology:

The training could cover the following areas:

1. Institutional Vs Organizational Development

2. Overview of PCM

3. Project Design

4. The Logical Framework Approach

5. Action Planning

6. Project Implementation

7. Monitoring and Reviewing

8. Project Management

9. Project Close Outs

 Deliverable and schedule

Deliverables in this work are mainly training and the training evaluation report. It should be rigorously timed and coordinated with the Projects and Partnership Manager (PPM) of Asmae, where the trainer is responsible to keep the process on track and assure the validation of the PPM for any step to be taken. The consultant will follow the following steps:

  • Develop training programs and modules
  • Conduct and submit pre training assessment report.
  • Provide training materials, handouts and related documents. 
  • Conduct and submit post training assessment report.


Inception meeting

During a first exploratory meeting with Asmae staff and partners’ staff, the consultant will request all needed documents and contact needed for the training arrangement and coordination.


Coordination of dates and times of training

The trainer will coordinate with Asmae and partners’ staff to agree on a training date and time, logistics and others upon the availabilities of all parties.


Evaluation and report

The Trainer will share a final report including the evaluation results with the Asmae for revision and approval.


How to apply

Please send the following required documents to [email protected] before the 7th of September 2021:

  1. A cover letter of no more than 1 page introducing the trainer/organization and how the skills and competencies described above are met, with concrete examples (Organization profile outlining similar experience including type of task, employer, project title, location, achieved outputs).
  2. Technical and financial proposal of no more than 5 pages of the proposed process to be taken with this consultancy, including:
  • Key considerations
  • Proposed outline methodology for Strategic Planning, should also reflect the number of days required to complete the assignment and the estimated total financial offer.
  • Proposed timeframe
  • Detailed financial offer / costs with requested terms of payment. It is expected that the financial offer includes a primary budget breakdown of costs.
  1. CV/s of proposed trainer including contactable referees
  2. One example of a report from previous similar assignment
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 07. سبتمبر 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
20 days