Lead Researcher Consultancy, Economic Development, Lebanon

Terms of Reference

- Lead Researcher Consultancy, Economic Development, Lebanon (Individual) -




Oxfam in Lebanon is hosting a policy coordination unit titled “Economic Development Policy Unit (EDPU)” as part of an EU funded project titled “Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (SEE) Change”. The grant will end in the third quarter of 2023. The EDPU is established to coordinate and optimize the impact of the different livelihood and social stability projects that will be implemented in Lebanon and funded by the “Support to Economic Development and Social Stability in Lebanon” European Union (EU) Trust Fund (EUTF) which are (with the consortium lead):


  • LINKED - Linking Vulnerable Populations and Inclusive Market Networks to Advance Sustainable Economic Development in Lebanon – Danish Refugee Council: Focusing on sustainable, inclusive, and sustainable economic development in Lebanon
  • INMA’A - Sustainable Social Protection and Livelihood Solutions for Severely Vulnerable Households in Lebanon – Save the Children
  • SEE Change - Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Change – Oxfam: Focusing on supporting all components of the SE ecosystem in Lebanon
  • Youth Resolve - Resilience, Social Cohesion, Opportunities for Livelihoods and Reduced Violence in Lebanon – World Vision: Focusing on social cohesion and quick impact projects
  • VET4all - Recognized job-related competences for Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in response to the Syrian crisis – GIZ: Focusing on vocational training


The EDPU will aim to “to strengthen the ability of the EUTF implementing partners to collectively influence the policy making process and donor funding for Lebanon through policy coordination and evidence generation,” and regularly assess the policy environment to produce policy products targeting key stakeholders and policies impacting livelihoods and economic policy more broadly. The EDPU will seek to ensure that common messaging among all relevant stakeholders, including the EU Delegation in Beirut, is derived from evidence generated on the field by all Consortia and that speak to a changing policy environment. The analysis that will be carried out by the EDPU will contribute to potentially proposing policy alternatives where gaps are identified, and inform Lebanese policy makers, donor community, humanitarian stakeholders, and the EU on contextual priorities.




Oxfam is seeking an Economic Development Lead Researcher to work with the EDPU and its research partner, Connecting Research to Development (CRD, in the context of the European Union (EU) Trust Fund (EUTF) Economic Development Policy Unit (EDPU, hosted at Oxfam). Connecting Research to Development (CRD) has been appointed to deliver EDPU research strategy which will generate the evidence base needed to propose economic development relevant programme and policy recommendations to the EU, EUTF partners and livelihood sector. CRD is a non-profit think tank that operates in the support, generation, and dissemination of evidence-based research from the combined perspectives of public health and social science in the MENA region and elsewhere. CRD was officially established in 2014 in Beirut, Lebanon and, in close cooperation with its partners, strives to apply scientific innovative know-how and transform evidence-based data into programmatic actions.


The duties and responsibilities of the Economic Development Lead Researcher will therefore be to:

  • Support the CRD research team as technical advisor on economic inclusion research and policy issues in Lebanon. He/She will provide expert-level technical knowledge and evidence-based input on social protection for economic inclusion, labour activation strategies/active labour market policies, and enterprise and market development;
  • Provide technical input/support in the development of EDPU high-level research strategy on economic inclusion, including input on research questions, proposed methodology, proposed outputs, ethical considerations, and possible limitations and risk mitigation measures;
  • Contribute to the development of data collection instruments in the context of EDPU research strategy, and development of targeted research concept notes for periodic knowledge products (as needed);
  • Participate in data analysis upon request and support the development and write-up of EDPU final research outputs (both short and long papers), including the formulation of research findings and operational recommendations at programmatic and policy levels;
  • Support research, paper launch and other policy-related events organized by the EDPU by acting as a technical expert in panels, contributing to debates, etc., in line with the EDPU’s influencing and comms & visibility plan.




Based on the above expectations the Lead Researcher is expected to support EDPU and CRD with technical reflection, knowledge, and evidence-based input into:


  • EDPU Research & Policy Strategy;
  • Concept notes on the research outputs to be developed;
  • Data collection tools development;
  • Data analysis/validation and findings formulation;
  • Recommendations write-up;
  • Research dissemination




The Lead Researcher consultant is expected to provide the services/deliverables over a period of 70 days spread over the course of 2 years from August 2021-August 2023, as per the below tentative timeframe:

Activity sets:

  • Technical support to EDPU research strategy (including ethics, limitations) and design of data collection instruments, including sampling approaches
  • Expected number of working days 15
  • Period August 2021-October 2021



  • Data analysis / interpretation of findings & development of research products (format TBD)  
  • Expected number of working days 45           
  • Period October 2021- November 2022



  • Participation in research and policy-focused presentations/events organized by EDPU
  • Expected number of working days 10           
  •  Period Dec. 2022-August 2023





  • Masters’ Degree (or equivalent degree/experience) in Economics, Development Economics, Political Economy of Development, or a related field is mandatory (pHD preferred);
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in economic development programmes and policy-making;
  • Previous experience working as a technical advisor for multilateral organizations (UN, international financial institutions…), donors and/or INGOs is required;  
  • Expert knowledge of Lebanon and its social, political, and economic contexts is mandatory. Previous experience working in Lebanon is a must;
  • Knowledge and experience of EU policies towards sustainable development is a plus;
  • Demonstrated excellent analytical, writing and editing skills;
  • Fluency in English and Arabic (oral and written);
  • Prior working experience on EU-funded projects would be an asset.




Payment will be done in three instalments at the end of each phase of work (as per the above indicative timeline), upon the satisfactory delivery of corresponding services/deliverables and based on Oxfam’s approval.


Note that payment will be made based on the budget in the consultant’s financial offer (not based on actual expenses incurred by the consultant). No receipts will be requested from the consultant towards the end of the contract. 


A quotation including consultancy fees per activity/specialized service for each period of work (see above schedule) and all associated estimated costs such as logistics and communication costs is requested. 7.5% will be deducted from the total amount if not registered.


Pricing in the consultant’s offer should be specified in Fresh USD.




The process will be directed by Oxfam’s guidelines for the ethical conduct of evaluations and research, guiding the team of consultants through careful consideration of the key ethical implications at every stage of the harvest. These guidelines are available at this link: http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/undertaking-research-with-ethics-253032 




The final products will be shared internally with Oxfam staff and affiliates. It will also be shared externally with relevant actors and organizations. Generated data will be used to inform EDPU’s policy work and Oxfam’s programmes in Lebanon.




Although free to discuss with the authorities on anything relevant to the assignment, under the terms of reference, the consultant is not authorized to make any commitments on behalf of Oxfam. All data collected as part of this consultancy belongs to Oxfam and public dissemination of the data and findings and recommendations can only be done with the written consent of Oxfam.




Oxfam invites Technical Offers from individuals with the experience and skills described above. The offer must include:

1. A CV for the consultant highlighting previous similar experience, alongside samples of or links to previously published reports on economic inclusion (with an explanation of the purpose of the consultancy and who the contracting authority was);

2. A financial offer including the consultant’s proposed budget & proposed daily rate fee.


Only complete application packages will be considered. Please submit the full technical offer with supportive documents by August 23, 2021, 12 PM Beirut time at the latest, to [email protected] with “Lead Researcher, Economic Development” in the subject line.



How to apply

Oxfam invites Technical Offers from individuals with the experience and skills described above. The offer must include:

1. A CV for the consultant highlighting previous similar experience, alongside samples of or links to previously published reports on economic inclusion (with an explanation of the purpose of the consultancy and who the contracting authority was);

2. A financial offer including the consultant’s proposed budget & proposed daily rate fee.


Only complete application packages will be considered. Please submit the full technical offer with supportive documents by August 23, 2021, 12 PM Beirut time at the latest, to [email protected] with “Lead Researcher, Economic Development” in the subject line.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 23. أغسطس 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
سياسات الأعمال والاقتصاد, بحوث ودراسات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
70 days spread over the course of 2 years from August 2021-August 2023