Towards Strengthening Interest Representation and Protecting Journalists’ Rights in Lebanon

About DW Akademie

DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle's center for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue.             

Background of the Project

Since its founding in 1919, unions and how freely they operate, have been core values and standards for the International Labour Organization and as part of labor rights that has been reflected in ILO’s bylaws. To ensure freedom of speech, provide protection to journalists and rise to the technological advances that are shaping the industry, we are driven to find ways and mechanisms to enhance the performance of media syndicates or other representations of journalists’ interests.

For many years, the Lebanese media sector has been in a state of upheaval. Digitization, the withdrawal of regional donors, but also the economic and currency crisis, pose major challenges for media companies and media professionals. Media outlets have had to close, hundreds of journalists have lost their jobs. More than ever, an active journalists' union is needed to protect the rights of the journalists and represent their interests. Functioning trade unions are an important part of the media eco-system.

Objective of the Study

This position is open to hire a short-term consultant to work on designing, developing and writing a qualitative study that will contributes to the strengthening the rights of journalists in Lebanon and the representation of their interests. The study should be useful to anyone who wants to understand the challenges and obstacles journalists’ unions in Lebanon are facing. The recommendations should show different ways to support the journalists’ unions or other bodies representing journalists’ interests.

Scope of Work

  • The consultant is expected to work in coordination with a DW Project Manager, in designing, developing, and finalizing the study methodology. The following key components are envisioned.
  • Conduct a desk review and literature review, by collecting, organizing and synthesizing available studies and reports done by governments, civil- society, non- governmental and international organizations, legal and policy documents.
  •  Identify and interview journalists (freelance and fulltime staff from different media outlets) members and non-members of the journalists´ union.
  • Interview representatives of the journalists´ union, activists, from Nakaba Badila, Palestinian Media Collective in Lebanon and other associations which represent the interests of journalists in Lebanon.
  • Conduct interviews with activists and experts dealing with the union’s work in Lebanon, as well as lawyers, and human rights defenders.
  • Focus group discussion; organize one focus group discussion with stakeholders, experts and activists
  • Data analysis and reporting; based on analysis of the collected data, the consultant will create a first draft of the study with recommendations. To support the draft, the consultant will produce an accurate translation from Arabic to English or vice-versa.
  • The consultant is responsible of submitting the final study document in Arabic and English versions.
  • Revision and proofreading; ensuring accurate translation of the original text, examining the document’s overall coherence, and doing a final check for typos, spelling, grammar, punctuation or layout mistakes.
  • Final report: the consultant will be responsible of producing the final document including recommendations.

Duration of assignment

Duration: The assignment will be implemented over a period of three months, starting from the signing of the contract.


Expected Deliverables


  • Key deliverables of the assignment are summarized as follows:
  • Inception Report that includes methodology and a clearly defined work schedule for the assignment, a first draft report;
  • Draft analysis report with recommendations, final draft study document incorporating comments and inputs;
  • Validation Focus Group, which will be organized by the consultant in coordination with DW Akademie (focus group could be organized as a virtual meeting);
  • Final study document in both Arabic and English versions including the consultants’ recommendations


Required qualification and experiences

  • Relevant degree in Media, Political Sciences, Law and or Social Sciences;
  • A minimum three-years’ experiences in study activities and the media field;
  • Familiarity with the Lebanese Labor Law and Union Work Environment;
  • Ability to work as a team;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills both in Arabic and English;
  • Analytical and planning skills;

How to apply

Interested individuals are requested to submit a proposal, including:

  • Letter of Interest clearly stating an understanding of the assignment, as well as relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Methodology proposed for this assignment: National studies should propose a methodology for the field work at district level.
  • A sample of at least one piece of work done in similar context.
  • Copy of CV including the names of at least two contacts for references on similar work undertaken.
  • Financial proposal quoted in EURO, in the form of a lump sum covering both your professional fee and any travel and accommodation costs needed to meet the objectives of this assignment.

Maximum proposal document: 3 pages

Deadline for receipt of applications 15.8.2021. Applications should be submitted to Daad Ibrahim [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 31. أغسطس 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الاتصالات والإعلام
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)