مجموعة دليل مدني للحق في الصحة

التبويبات الأساسية

تفحص الأبحاث والتحليلات، والأخبار، والنشاطات، والمشاريع المجمّعة حول هذا المجال.


28 refugee households were surveyed, which represented a total of 501 refugees, 48% male and 52% female, which is approximately 11% of the Syrian refugee population in North Bekaa.

International Medical Corps Lebanon

This "Thirty Questions Guide" is the first guide that addresses the various stages of work and employment based on the principles of the CRPD and its relevant detailed provisions.


This "Thirty Questions Guide" is the first guide that addresses the various stages of work and employment based on the principles of the CRPD and its relevant detailed provisions.

The Jordan Civil Society Project

About the Zero Project: For a World without Barriers
The Zero Project was initiated by the Essl Foundation in 2010. It has been run in partnership with the World Future Council (WFC) since 2011 and the European Foundation Centre (EFC) since 2013. The mission of the Zero Project is to work for a world without barriers, according to the principles and Articles of the UN CRPD.


This document represents the strategic plan of the Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association,MENAHRA, for the period of July 2014 til


"الهوية النسائية الجديدة" هي دراسة ميدانيّة في تجاوز التنميط الجنسي لدى فئة من الشابات اللبنانيات قامت بها عزة شرارة بيضون، ونشرت في مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية الصادرة عن معهد العلوم الاجتماعية (الفرع الاوّل) من الجامعة اللبنانية، في العدد الاول الصادر عام 1991.

Lebanese University - Institute of Social Sciences

GVC and YAB have implemented a pilot initiative in 6 public schools in order to provide directors, teachers, special educators and social workers with technical tools and expertise to encourage the inclusion of children with special needs. Almost 60 children have been included in regular classes all along the implementation (2012-2015). At the same time, the project involved parents and communities where the 6 schools are located to raise culture of diversity and respect and to enhance participation of children with special needs at all levels of social and cultural life.


This essay proposes to re-orient feminist debates on epistemology towards the care-security nexus as a pathway that can plausibly provide an integral understanding of a human-centred and eco-minded security.

Institute of Social Studies

In most Arab countries, family matters including Domestic Violence continue to be handled by religious courts as civil legislation does not criminalise acts of violence within the family.

British Journal of General Practice

This regional Guidebook explores the different approaches in design, implementation and analysis of disability data collection in the Arab countries, in view of improving the standardization and implementation of the Washington Group Short Set on Functioning and related indica

United Nations Economic And Social Commission For Western Asia

Analyzing the Impact on the Personal and Professional Development
of Young Participants at Erasmus Plus/Youth in Action/Euromed projects through “Chabibeh Sporting Club” From 2008 till 2017

مجموعة دليل مدني للحق في الصحة

النطاق الجغرافي: 

تشكّل مجموعات دليل مدني آداة تتماشى مع مهمة البرنامج لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع المدني وتبادل المعرفة والشراكات بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني.

مجموعات دليل مدني هي مساحات تعاونية على الإنترنت تهدف إلى جمع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني حول قضايا مواضيعية محددة. توفر مجموعات دليل مدني فضاءً تعاونياً للنقاش والعمل المشترك والتخطيط للحملات وأوجه التعاون.

تعرض هذه المجموعة أحدث الأخبار المتعلّقة بالحق في الصحة، إضافةً إلى مساحة للنقاش والتعاون والعمل المشترك.

أعضاء المجموعة