مجموعة دليل مدني للحق في الصحة

التبويبات الأساسية

تفحص الأبحاث والتحليلات، والأخبار، والنشاطات، والمشاريع المجمّعة حول هذا المجال.


Review of marginalisation of people with disabilities in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Using a social exclusion conceptual framework, this paper identifies several causes of marginalization of people with disabilities in the context of the MENA region.

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization

Response International (RI) undertook a comprehensive assessment of mental health needs within the refugee camps and larger “gatherings”.

Response International

In 2002 the Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union (LPHU) conducted a study of 200 graduates of institutions for disabled people, to find out if institutions help disabled people enjoy their rights in the areas of education and employment, as set out in Lebanon’s laws on disabi

Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union

The Assessment of Psychosocial Needs of Iraqis Displaced in Jordan and Lebanon was conducted between November 2007 and January 2008, with the aim to assess the mental health and psychosocial needs of Iraqis displaced in Jordan and Lebanon, to investigate the provision of servi


في 21 كانون الثاني/يناير 2009 اعتمد المجلس التنفيذي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية القرار م ت124 ق 4 الذي طلب إلى المديرة العامة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية أن توفد بعثة صحية متخصصة إلى غزة للوقوف على الاحتياجات الصحية و الإنسانية العاجلة بعد 22 يوماً من العمليات العسكرية الإسرائلية التي بدأ

World Health Organization

In the coming decades, the world’s rapid urbanization will be one of the greatest challenges to ensuring human welfare and a viable global environment.

International Institute for Sustainability and the Consortium for the Study of Rapidly Urbanizing Regions

Since the beginning of the crisis in Lebanon on July 12, 2006, it has been reported as of August 24, 2006 that 1,1841 of people were killed and more than 4,0591 were wounded.

World Health Organization

Maps showing the distribution of development projects in various fields including health, education, agriculture, etc.


This Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide has been under development by the Terrorism Disaster Branch of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the National Center for PTSD.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network and National Center for PTSD

The Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) and the World Bank organized a workshop entitled "Gender Statistics in Lebanon: Current Situation and Future Needs," which took place on June 17, 2010.

Central Administration of Statistics

هذا التقرير قائم على المسح العنقودي متعدد المؤشرات الذي أجرته إدارة الإحصاء المركزي في لبنان في العام 2009.

Central Administration of Statistics

The activities, presented in this brochure, are illustrative of UNDP – European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO) funded interventions and support in restoring and preserving livelihoods in the Lebanese most damaged regions.


The aim of the “Socio-Economic Assessment in Nahr el-Bared surrounding areas” report is to provide an assessment of the pre and post conflict conditions of households located in the vicinity of Nahr el Bared camp for a variety of livelihood aspects including: housing, health,


International Medical Corps Lebanon began providing services for Syrian refugees in September 2011 in North Lebanon.


Shifting Sands: Changing gender roles among refugees in Lebanon is new study published by ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality and Oxfam GB.


Disability & Vulnerability Focal Point (DVFP) have been developed based on the observation that one of the greatest difficulties following a crisis is not only to identify and to access to vulnerable people including people with disabilities, but also to accompany them wit

Handicap International

Since March 2011 and the continuously escalating crisis in Syria, Lebanon (along with Jordan, Iraq and Turkey) has been a refuge area for Syrian families fleeing the instability and violence in their country.

Aide Médicale Internationale

مجموعة دليل مدني للحق في الصحة

النطاق الجغرافي: 

تشكّل مجموعات دليل مدني آداة تتماشى مع مهمة البرنامج لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع المدني وتبادل المعرفة والشراكات بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني.

مجموعات دليل مدني هي مساحات تعاونية على الإنترنت تهدف إلى جمع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني حول قضايا مواضيعية محددة. توفر مجموعات دليل مدني فضاءً تعاونياً للنقاش والعمل المشترك والتخطيط للحملات وأوجه التعاون.

تعرض هذه المجموعة أحدث الأخبار المتعلّقة بالحق في الصحة، إضافةً إلى مساحة للنقاش والتعاون والعمل المشترك.

أعضاء المجموعة

PCPM - Polish Center for International Aid
اماني الجنوب
Human Call Association - جمعية النداء الإنساني
Heartbeat - La Chaine de l'Espoir