مجموعة دليل مدني لمبادرات التضامن

التبويبات الأساسية

تفحّص الوظائف والدعوات المجمّعة (للتمويل، للمستشارين، للمشاركة في النشاطات وورشات العمل، وغيرها) حول هذا المجال.


تولي مسؤولية تخطيط وتدريب دورات الدهان للمستوى التعليمي الأساسي و المستوى التطبيقي معا

الخميس, 18 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

تولي مسؤولية تخطيط وتدريب دورات التكيف التبريد للمستوى التعليمي الأساسي و المستوى التطبيقي معاً

الخميس, 18 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Life Skills Educator, will handle the responsibility of planning and conducting the Life Skills course to youth between 15 - 24 years old in order for them to develop basic interpersonal skills.

الخميس, 18 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Arabic Educator will handle the responsibility of planning and conducting the Arabic course to youth between 15 & 24 years old in order for them to develop basic skills in reading and writing.

الخميس, 18 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfilment of the wish to return home.

The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 195

الاثنين, 15 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

VULNER is a partnership research project between the Centre for Lebanese Studies at the Lebanese American University and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Population Europe/Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (PE), Catholic University of Louvain, Martin Luther University of Halle Wittenberg, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Institutt for Samfunnsforskning (ISF) (Institute for Social Research) in Norway, a Canadian Consortium (the University of Ottawa (uOttawa-ISS), McGill University and York University. It is part of EU’s Horizon 2020 grant.

الجمعة, 26 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Assisting 91.4 million people in 83 countries each year, the World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. As the international community has committed to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030, one in nine people worldwide still do not have enough to eat. Food and food-related assistance lie at the heart of the struggle to break the cycle of hunger and poverty. To know more about WFP’s mission, please

الاثنين, 29 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Communication Manager

الخميس, 25 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, education, emergency food security, legal assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene sectors.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, education, emergency food security, legal assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene sectors.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, education, emergency food security, legal assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene sectors.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC advocates for the rights of displaced populations and offers assistance within the shelter, education, emergency food security, legal assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene sectors.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

INTERSOS is a non-profit humanitarian aid organisation that works to bring assistance to people in danger, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Established in 1992 with support from the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The mission of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) is to further security, democracy, rule of law and human rights through the development of good justice and security sector governance.

الجمعة, 26 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Eight years into the Syria crisis, Lebanon remains the country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita, with nearly 950,000 Syrian refugees registered with UNHCR, about 20,000 refugees of other origins - mostly Iraqi - and Palestine refugees under UNRWA’s mandate. There are no formal camps for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and refugees are living in hundreds of communities and locations across the country.

الخميس, 25 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

INTERSOS is a non-profit Humanitarian Aid Organization that works to bring assistance to people in danger, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Established in 1992 with support from the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected.

الأحد, 21 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

Economic Security - Cash & Market Specialist

الأحد, 14 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

To applicant for this request for quotation:
Union of Jurd al Kaytee is requesting quotation for the following service, respecting the technical specifications in the TOR attached:
 Procurement of 8 m3 Compactor truck
 Procurement of 13 m3 Compactor truck
 Procurement of Standard bins 120, 240, 360 L plastic
 Procurement of Standard bins 800/900 or 1100/1500 L plastic or metal

الأحد, 14 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

A consortium of six organizations, including Médecins du Monde (MdM), Skoun, Abaad, Amel, Embrace and Humanity and Inclusion (HI), supported by the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD), aims to improve the opportunities for individuals living in Lebanon to enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing. The consortium aims to reach its objective through the development of a community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and Substance Use (SU) system offering appropriate, quality and inclusive services to all people living in Lebanon.

السبت, 20 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

The Nurses will be responsible for provision of the needed support to the target community in regards to Level 1 and 2 of isolation, through continuously conducting follow-up phone calls and visits to ensure that isolation is being implemented properly and to screen the health status of isolated cases.
All needed Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) will be provided to ensure safety while on the job.

الثلاثاء, 16 يونيو 2020
منتهية الصلاحية

تشكّل مجموعات دليل مدني آداة تتماشى مع مهمة البرنامج لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع المدني وتبادل المعرفة والشراكات بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني.

مجموعات دليل مدني هي مساحات تعاونية على الإنترنت تهدف إلى جمع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني حول قضايا مواضيعية محددة. توفر مجموعات دليل مدني فضاءً تعاونياً للنقاش والعمل المشترك والتخطيط للحملات وأوجه التعاون.

‎تعرض هذه المجموعة النقاشات المتعلقة بمبادرات التضامن الغير رسمية والمحلية في لبنان إضافةً إلى توفير مساحة للنقاش والتعاون والعمل المشترك. وتسعى هذه المجموعة إلى دعم جهود التنسيق على المستوى المحلّي أثناء أزمة عام ٢٠٢٠، في حين تدعو أيضاً إلى تحقيق العدالة الاجتماعية للجميع في المنظور الأوسع.
