التبويبات الأساسية
Centre For Lebanese Studies
The Centre for Lebanese Studies was founded in 1984 by a group of Lebanese in London, who had been meeting regularly for a year concerned with the state of affairs in their country. Their objective was to set up an independent academic institution that would undertake impartial and balanced research and contribute towards Lebanon's recovery and long-term stability. They aimed to promote a better understanding of Lebanon and to help find solutions for its problems.
The centre's objectives are:
To promote a better understanding of the national and international issues relevant to Lebanon through the pursuit of independent objective academic research into the political, social, educational, historical, economic, and cultural issues of Lebanon.
To inform policy-makers in Lebanon and make recommendations based on research findings in connection with issues facing Lebanon.
To provide support and information for governments and international institutions in the formulation of their Lebanese and Middle East policies.
In order to realise these objectives the Centre aims to:
Highlight relevant and contemporary issues of importance to the future of both Lebanon and its people.
Play a central role in encouraging the serious study of political, economic, historical, geographic, sociological and cultural issues facing Lebanon.
Generate and channel ideas that will contribute to stability and sustainable development.