مجموعة دليل مدني لمبادرات التضامن

التبويبات الأساسية

تفحّص الوظائف والدعوات المجمّعة (للتمويل، للمستشارين، للمشاركة في النشاطات وورشات العمل، وغيرها) حول هذا المجال.


Amongst CARE International’s key imperatives in our mission is putting people it serves first through
implementing cutting edge programming in areas it operates. CARE International in Lebanon (CIL), has
been mainly responding to the Syria crisis, but now shifting to a new strategic direction. At this stage it is of the utmost importance that we start exploring more effective business models, but also
organizational structures that would support our programmatic operations to deliver services to those in need.

الأربعاء, 19 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

LINKED will hire private sector companies and/or established trainers located in Tripoli to provide employability skills to complement the Vocational Training (VT) and Work Based Learning (WBL

الثلاثاء, 18 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

HelpAge International is a global network of organizations working with and for older people. HelpAge vision is a world in which older people can lead dignified, active, healthy, and secure lives.

In line with the international community response to the Syrian Crisis, HelpAge International is providing support to Syrian refugees in the Middle East region including Lebanon. To date, HelpAge work in Lebanon has focused on health, protection, and advocacy for the inclusion of older people in the humanitarian response.

الجمعة, 21 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of the consultancy is to provide hands on recommendations and suggestions for interventions towards supporting livelihoods and promoting the employment of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The outputs of this desk study should serve to provide orientation and guidance for the development of programs and interventions that can help improve employment of Palestinians in the country and establish sustainable mechanism towards job creation for Palestinian refugees – youth in particular.

الخميس, 20 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of this Tender is to obtain competitive offers for Menstrual Hygiene Management kit in North Bekaa.
A detailed description of the assignment and services required by Oxfam is contained in the technical specifications

الاثنين, 24 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

تبحث المفكرة القانونية، بالتعاون مع شبكة "عملي حقوقي"، إلى تكليف خبير سياسات لتنفيذ دراسة ووضع توصيات بشأن تنظيم سوق العمل للعمال الأجانب في لبنان، سواء المقيمين في لبنان أو المستقدمين من الخارج (أي العمال المهاجرين).

الجمعة, 21 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL intends to sign a partnership agreement with a Local NGO for the support of the host and refugee communities in Lebanon in order to improve the access to sustainable WASH services.

الجمعة, 21 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

CARE is a leading relief and development non-governmental organization fighting global poverty. Established in 1946, it is now a confederation composed of 14 members and 4 affiliates. In 2016, CARE worked in 84 countries around the world, supporting development and humanitarian aid projects to reach more than 83 million people. While CARE is a large international organization with more than 11,000 employees worldwide, we have a strong local presence: 95% of our staff are nationals of the countries where our programs are run.

الأحد, 9 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The main objective of the call for expression of interest is to identify and select two (2) national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with experience in legal aid delivery on legal protection issues, interested in establishing a downstream partnership with NRC and becoming an implementing partner for the provision of legal services to refugees from Syria and other vulnerable groups and carry out joint advocacy activities.

الجمعة, 14 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of this Tender is to obtain competitive offers for construction of latrines and hand washing facilities in North Bekaa. A detailed description of the assignment and services required by Oxfam is contained in the technical specifications

الأربعاء, 26 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of the consultancy:
The consultancy will serve two main purposes: on one hand to give an independent assessment of partnerships engaged during the Beirut Blast shelter programming and on the other hand to develop a revised set of partnership tools based on the lessons learned from the assessed experiences.

الجمعة, 30 أبريل 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

This tender is part of an initiative implemented under the partner framework agreement under the Youth RESOLVE (YR2) Consortium.

الأربعاء, 5 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

SI is responsible to oversee the implementation of the project and ensure the work is executed in a timely manner, as per the consultant’s design and drawings.
SI will inform the consultant about any issues that might arise during the implementation of the works and together they will agree on the steps forward.
SI will prepare as built drawings of the project once it’s finalized and share them with the consultant and the Municipality.
At the end of the project, SI will draw the lessons learned and work on the final report, incorporating the consultant’s feedback and report.

الأربعاء, 28 أبريل 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of this tender is to obtain a framework agreement with a contractor to rehabilitate Shelter units, Collective shelters for refugees, and its common areas as part of INTERSOS activities in South Lebanon.

الثلاثاء, 4 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

With the spread of the COVID-19 and the unprecedented rise of infections across the nation since March 2020 with the challenging socio-economic situation, DPNA continues with the provision of the needed assistance to the vulnerable and marginalized HHs through the distribution of Food Kits.

الأربعاء, 28 أبريل 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

تتصدى منظمة العمل لمكافحة الجوع لأسباب وآثار الجوع والأمراض التي تهدد حياة الأطفال والنساء والرجال الضعفاء. تأسست منظمة العمل ضد الجوع في فرنسا عام 1979 ، وهي منظمة غير حكومية وغير سياسية وغير دينية وغير ربحية. منظمة العمل ضد الجوع - تنوي بعثة لبنان منح عقد لما يلي في سياق البرامج الإنسانية. افتتحت منظمة ACTION AGAINST HUNGER بعثة في لبنان في أغسطس 2006.

الاثنين, 17 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

Action Against Hunger is a non-governmental, non-political, non-denominational and non-profit organization, established in France in 1979. Action Against Hunger’s vocation is to save lives by combating hunger, diseases, and other crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women and children. Action Against Hunger opened a mission in Lebanon in August 2006.

الاثنين, 17 مايو 2021
منتهية الصلاحية

تشكّل مجموعات دليل مدني آداة تتماشى مع مهمة البرنامج لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع المدني وتبادل المعرفة والشراكات بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني.

مجموعات دليل مدني هي مساحات تعاونية على الإنترنت تهدف إلى جمع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني حول قضايا مواضيعية محددة. توفر مجموعات دليل مدني فضاءً تعاونياً للنقاش والعمل المشترك والتخطيط للحملات وأوجه التعاون.

‎تعرض هذه المجموعة النقاشات المتعلقة بمبادرات التضامن الغير رسمية والمحلية في لبنان إضافةً إلى توفير مساحة للنقاش والتعاون والعمل المشترك. وتسعى هذه المجموعة إلى دعم جهود التنسيق على المستوى المحلّي أثناء أزمة عام ٢٠٢٠، في حين تدعو أيضاً إلى تحقيق العدالة الاجتماعية للجميع في المنظور الأوسع.